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What civil servants think of Cat Mom.


What civil servants think of Cat Mom.

image text translation

(1)Blind civil servant Cat Mom’s public sentiment is getting curious at this point in Lexka.
(2)Ice Stick 11270 20230207 180502
(3)DOSq486 Days
(4)Government of the Republic of Korea
(5)Catmom Cat Daddy groups do it often.
(6)If you look at the news these days, I think this side is also hot.
(7)Do you actually complain a lot?
(8)Yes, chronological order ↓ Go to the last comment
(9)Animal staff can’t work for more than a year, take sick leave, or cry.
(10)It’s the end of the personnel counseling session.
(11)No complaints for one person.
(12)Gather acquaintances or mom members and harass them as a group, and harass them all over the country by putting coordinates on the cafe.
(13)Good. 5.
(14)It is frustrating to see if they can be arrested for obstructing the execution of official duties. crying
(15)He’s a popular citizen.
(16)Good, three.
(17)If I get caught in a cafe, I get a call to the point where I’m paralyzed from work.
(18)Good, two.
(19)Cursing and abusing people are like fine people.
(20)Good. 7.
(21)Some areas of concern
(22)★ All right.
(23)I’m in charge of livestock.
(24)Please leave a big message.
(25)He left a bowl of rice in the corner of Cat Mom’s office building and gave it to me…The comments are saying it’s going down.
(26)Tell him to give it to me at his house.
(27)Good. 1.
(28)Endings in charge of animal protection = Drinking on leave of absence from office
(29)LOL. Isn’t this the place where the team hasn’t been formed yet and only one person in charge is finished?
(30)I’ll be on the run in a year.
(31)If the level of language that goes out to the complainant is 5, then buy this one.
(32)You have to go first to the people lol They’re people who are more emotional than opposite themselves.
(33)You have to treat me as much as you can.
(34)Rather than putting in a lot of complaints, if you touch it without thinking, it will be 됨.
(35)I’m shooting coordinate phone attacks at the cafe.
(36)If you report that you’re unfriendly on the phone and don’t respond,
(37)Good. 5.


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