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(SOUND)Listen to the lyrics of Heechul Kim’s “Yeoshi Dis” again.


There’s a split between likes and dislikes.

Dislikes, likes, dislikes, and dislikes.

back and forth between

to put it simply

They’re just being so mean.

the hostess of the uncomfortable worm ladies.

He ran away from the night scene.

They fought a barbed wire battle.

Don’t make the dog bark.

In the midst of rumors that I don’t even know,

I endured 13 years.

Cyber Investigation Unit and Fans

Pdf, save it.

It’s a bit of a pushover.

I won’t hurt anyone, ho!

A big star is a big star, and he’s a big star.

Grill it. Give me tenderloin.

The vibe from HeeChul X Shindong X EunHyuk X Solar in 2017.

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