Noh Hongchul, who was seriously injured on a motorcycle in Vietnam, posted Instagram just now.

Noh Hongchul, who was seriously injured on a motorcycle in Vietnam, posted Instagram just now.

image text translation

(1)1 charge building
(2)Good. 411.
(3)Thank you. I’m really fine. I’m sorry to bother you, but thanks to your concern, I’m getting better and going to work.
(4)The filming location was definitely Georgia when I was invited to ★, but suddenly I went to Vietnam and left!!! Hahahahahahahahaha
(5)#NomadLife #Consistency between work and play #No Hongcheol even if born again #I’m aging as planned That’s too much. That’s too much.
(6)Read all 13 comments.

That’s a relief.

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