image text translation
(1)A victim in her 20s who prostituted a high school girl after taking drugs is paralyzed in her body.
(2)Input 20230207 PM 745 Original article
(3)Reporter Jeon Jongheon, TALK.
(4)Gaga d d
(5)Photo courtesy = Yonhap News
(1)A man in his 20s who was accused of giving drugs to a high school girl and then prostitution with men was sentenced to prison by an appeals court.image text translation
(2)High Court Judge Lee Sang-ho, Wang Jeong-ok, and Kim Kwan-yong of the Suwon High Court dismissed A’s appeal on charges of violating the Act on the Protection of Sex of Children and Youth on the 7th and sentenced him to nine years and six months in prison.
(3)A was indicted on charges of forcing B, a high school girl at the time, to administer methamphetamine several times and engage in prostitution with men from July 2019 to January 2021.
(4)Ms. B suffered a cerebral hemorrhage due to side effects of drugs, causing her right hemiplegia.
(5)Earlier, it was investigated that A committed the crime by living together after having her run away several times after creating a grooming relationship that dominated B psychologically.
(6)”The crime is not very good because he psychologically controls a 17-year-old minor who likes him to administer methamphetamine and engage in perverted prostitution with an unspecified number of men,” the appeals court said. “Considering the victim’s hard-to-recover damage from habitual methamphetamine administration, the first trial sentence is not heavy.”
(7)Jeon Jong-heon, a reporter from Maegyeong dotcom, cap mkkokr.
Drug crime is crazy, and the judge who beat him for nine years is amazing.