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The Minister of Justice’s thoughts on the charge.


The Minister of Justice's thoughts on the charge.

image text translation

(1)Representative Lee Jae-myung’s series of aggressive remarks by the prosecution
(2)What do you think?
(3)Minister of Justice Han Dong-hoon
(4)I think we should respond with evidence and facts just like other people.
(5)That’s all that’s left in the end in criminal justice.
(6)It’s a manipulation of the prosecution’s investigation into Yoo Dong-gu’s
(7)Regarding the comments of the representative Q!
(8)I saw you talking.
(9)It’s all because we lost the presidential election recently. I think that’s what you’re saying.
(10)According to CEO Lee, if he won the presidential election,
(11)It sounds like he used his power to crush the case.
(12)If the crime of getting more votes goes away,
(13)I don’t think that’s democracy.
(14)Minister of Justice Han Dong-hoon
(15)As you all know, this case is an investigation into allegations that arose mainly during the Democratic primary.
(16)When CEO Lee was the mayor of Seongnam, he had nothing to do with the party.
(17)It’s a local corruption investigation. Let me repeat that.
(18)Regarding the special prosecutor’s law on the Channel A case,
(19)Channel has already been acquitted by the Supreme Court.In case A,
(20)If you really want to make a special law –
(21)a final conviction in court
(22)Shouldn’t the special prosecutor make a special court?
(23)I think even the members of the Democratic Party did this.
(24)I don’t think I’ll take it seriously.
(25)But if the Democratic Party keeps pushing it too hard,
(26)The people of Channel A have been involved in the connection of Kwon Eon-join case,
(27)The Democrats have been leading the way to smear me.
(28)I think you’ll remember it longer.
(29)Minister Han asked prosecutors in charge of Deutsche Motors’ stock manipulation case
(30)in accordance with the usual regular personnel appointments
(31)It’s natural to say hello to the prosecutors.
(32)And your hopes are reflected in the greeting process.
(33)I’ve been briefed.I did it.
(34)If you ask the monks or the signers,
(35)I think they’ll evaluate it.Crab
(36)But Kim Euigyeom, isn’t it even news? He lied like this.
(38)On the contrary, the fact that spokesman Kim Eui-gyeom is lying every time is more obvious to me.
(39)Keeps the Democratic Party’s spokesperson.
(40)confusion between ministries and agencies.
(41)a crime in connection with the introduction of adultery
(42)That is certainly a very controversial and spiritual reverse.
(43)But what I want to say first is…
(44)I’m a strict judge of sex crimes, including the introduction of Jessica’s law.
(45)I’m in the position of punishment. I think that’s what a country should do.
(46)However, in the case of legislation with such a burden of proof, whether there is a consent form at the scene of the investigation and trial.
(47)It’s not Sa, it’s actually going to be converted to the defendant.
(48)So we’re gonna have to prove the defendant’s consent.
(49)It’s inevitable because of the structure of the condolences.
(50)In the case of Justice Minister Han Dong-hoon, the person who feels wronged
(51)You will be punished without sin.Go away.
(52)That’s why I’m telling you that you need to review it carefully.
(53)That is the position of the Department of Justice and, by the way, the Court.
(54)That’s why he’s taking a new stance.
(55)To add a little bit more to that, Narnaras, Germany, or Sweden.
(56)There’s a part where Darren was introduced.
(57)That’s the difference between the culture of law and the system.
(58)I think you need to do it with that in mind.Throwing up.
(59)Those countries are extremely unlikely to be convicted of sex crimes.
(60)To compensate for that, we introduced that concept.therefore
(61)Minister of Justice Han Dong-hoon
(62)I don’t remember exactly.Maura is guilty of rape.
(63)The legal conviction rate for these sex crimes will be over 90.
(64)Minister of Justice Han Dong-hoon, but I am not accurate in Germany.
(65)About 8… Sweden is 23…
(66)It’s a lot lower than our standard.
(67)Why did we have to introduce this? Why did we have to introduce this?
(68)I’m saying that we need to think about this in depth.
(69)Han Dong-hoon, the Ministry of Justice, is not a completely correct question, but I think we should take it now and carefully review it in our judgment.
(71)Minister of Justice Han Dong-hoon, otherwise, we believe that there could be consequences of punishing those who are unfair.


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