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(1)제Subject Official Certification Cat Mom Daddy Recruitment
(2)Cafe Manager 11 Chat 20210512 2006326
(3)● Copy Comment 8 URL
(4)For the safe protection of street cats, we will officially certify the apartments per person, so please visit the management office by May 21st to request official certification with Dongho Lake and real name.
(5)Registered documents, resident registration copy, insurance certificate to which a special contract for liability for daily living is subscribed.
(6)Under discussion on official certification with the Animal Freedom Solidarity-12 resident representative chairman
(7)Only residents registered with the 2nd Resident Card can be denied, and all rights to street cat management will be delegated, so please register only Cat Mom Cat Daddy, who can manage it 365 days to prevent complaints.
(8)We are planning to make an official cat food stand, and please provide information on the current feeding location.
(9)No underground parking at the back gate of the playground near the residents’ veranda.
(10)Cat Mom Daddy, which is not certified as a 4-party apartment, prohibits access to official food stands.Uncertified food squads are requested to withdraw on their own.
(11)If the official Cat Mom Cat Daddy is designated, we will also consider it as a joint revitalization organization.
(12)After the 22nd of 65th month, uncertified street cat food sites will be restored under Article 15, Article 49, and Article 3 of the Management Regulations. We will proceed with double radiation in connection with the management body and the Animal Freedom Solidarity.
(13)Thank you for your quick response.
(14)You’re welcome ^^ For your information, we are also producing separate terms and conditions for the announcement. It’s full support. If you are promoted to a community revitalization organization, you will receive 200,000 won per month and 2.4 million won per year.
(15)However, when a civil complaint occurs, immediate measures should be taken to prevent damage to residents in advance.
(16)If there are no residents supporting Cat Mom Daddy in the apartment by the 522nd, it will be considered that outsiders feed street cats, so they will have to accompany them to the security office as soon as they are caught in accordance with the apartment regulations.
(17)I’m not sure if it was Kumho or Xi in the past, but I did it as you suggested now, but many complaints occurred due to the influx of many cats, so it was closed in the end. Please refer to it.
(18)Oh, and is the support for community revitalization organizations funded by administrative expenses or by the West? As far as I know, it is supported by administrative expenses, but I personally disagree with it because it has been supported by the table tennis club in the name of a community revitalization organization. If it’s going to be spent on maintenance.
(19)There are separate terms and conditions. It’s divided into powers and responsibilities, and there’s also a collection of responsibilities, not just community funding.
(20)Catmom Daddy has to agree to these terms to be supported. If you don’t agree, all support will be forfeited.
(21)If there are many applicants, we will disclose the terms and conditions.^^
(22)Room 1501 in 309 dong, please note that the person who feeds the street cat is not a resident.
(23)Between the buildings 308 and 309, an old lady fed me.As
(24)As of the 24th, there is no official Cat Mom Cat Daddy, so unauthorized feeding activities are prohibited.We’re demolishing as we can see from the U.S. Security Department. If residents feel uncomfortable with street cats, please ask the management office to remove them.
(1)All street cats in the apartment complex will be managed by residents.image text translation
(2)In other words, you can’t be an outsider.
(3)For that reason, the residents are recruiting volunteers to be Cat Mom Cat Daddy.
(4)All expenses required for management are fully subsidized by the management office.
(5)All feed and feeding tools
(6)I’ll link you to the Animal Freedom Alliance and get you certified.
(7)Instead, complaints and various problems caused by street cats
(8)The officially certified cat moms, cat daddies, have to work it out.
(9)It could cost a lot of money, so I bought daily life compensation insurance.
(10)Official Certification Cat Mom Can Support Cat Daddy
(1)Question and answer from the tenant representative meeting>image text translation
(2)the content of a long and long story.
(3)Cafe Manager ■ 11 Chatting
(4)Copy Comment 2 URL
(5)2021052618-25 Inquiry 179
(7)As of the 522nd, there are no applicants for Cat Mom Daddy. Even though the management committee promised full support, it seems that it is difficult for him to come out of the Yangji area.
(8)Therefore, as of May 24, uncertified street cat food vessels in the complex are being demolished as seen without notice.
(9)We will withdraw as soon as the residents file a complaint with the management authority about the long transfer.
(10)Also, the official Cat Mom Daddy is always welcome.
(11)If you have a copy of the resident certification and an insurance certificate that is liable for daily living compensation, we will register it.
(12)That’s about it.
(1)0 candidates for the ending.image text translation
(2)FYI, there’s no official Cat Mom Cadendi.
(3)In accordance with the ordinance determined by the residents’ representative meeting,
(4)Unauthorized feeding facilities that have not been certified by the management office,
(5)We’re going to remove everything we can see.
※ a three-line summary
1 As Catmom continues to cause problems within the apartment complex, the management office promises full support and receives official Catmom Cadendi support.
2 0 applicants
3 All the cat food tools in the complex will be removed as soon as they are considered illegal.
The cat moms in that apartment were terrorists from outside, or people living in the apartment complex, but not willing to take responsibility.