image text translation
(1)If you don’t do SEX,
(2)an impossible room
(3)SEX in
(4)Thank you.
(5)Let me go!
(6)Don’t make me laugh!!!
(7)Who did this?
(8)With my son!
(9)Oh, whatever.
(10)First of all, if you don’t answer the voice question earlier, you’ll probably be able to…
(11)I can’t.
(12)The thing that bothers me is…
(13)Hurry up and escape.
(14)First of all!
(15)It’s probably a recording.
(16)Three SEX haters.
(17)at great pains
(18)And we…
(19)Why did you let go?
(20)The guy who’s locked up.
(21)a recording frame
(22)Let’s blow it away!
(23)Is there?
(24)Even the mud…
(25)The culprit is…
(26)The remaining drag.
(27)a stone’s throw
(28)dragged from
(29)It’s the shape.
(30)This morning,
(31)Even though it rained,
(32)Gyaruko is…
(33)The makeup is…
(34)It’s done. Shampoo.
(35)It even smells.