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What’s going on in Twosome Place update.


What's going on in Twosome Place update.

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(1)News Desk
(2)I bought a discount coupon.

What's going on in Twosome Place update.

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(1)Please pay 2,000 won more.
(2)Phone 02-784-4000
(3)Winter Strawberry Chocolate Whipped Cream
(4)1520 kcal containing soybean oil
(5)Referral amount per serving 726 g Total amount 725 g
(6)Lee Fran Jeon Egg Domestic Origin Bread Processed Strawberry Domestic

What's going on in Twosome Place update.

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(1)View 19 different products in Twosome Place
(2)Please pay 2,000 won more.
(3)Qmbc Jebo Twosome Place Cake Strawberry Chocolate Cream Cake Gifticon
(4)Benefits for Customers
(5)Maximum accumulated points: 500 won 7.
(6)How to get up to 3150 won more TIP points
(7)Number up to 5 starts.
(8)If you pay with Naver Hyundai Card,
(9)2. If you pay with Naver money,
(10)February limited coupon benefit update for this month
(11)Read more about interest-free installment cards
(12)Valid period 1 day from purchase date

What's going on in Twosome Place update.

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(1)Please pay 2,000 won more.
(2)News Desk
(3)Qmbc Report
(4)De checkout counter mask wearing guide to wearing
(5)Please select
(6)a store clerk
(7)I’ll pay an additional 2,000 won.
(8)If you don’t pay extra, you can’t buy it.

What's going on in Twosome Place update.

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(1)I was going to pay after purchasing it today, but they said the price went up and asked for an additional 2,000 won. 37,000 won was 35,000 won, which was marked with a 2,000 won discount, but when I read it again, I showed it to the store on the side of the store.
(2)Please pay 2,000 won more.
(3)Phone 02-784-4000
(4)221222 Report
(5)Expiration date 23 years October 12th, reduced in advance
(6)The monthly usage cake doesn’t come out in the winter.I changed my cake to My Twosome Heart. I enjoyed the food. But at this time, I bought another product for 37000 won without receiving an additional fee. Later, the coupon I bought in December is 36000 won, so I have to pay 1,000 won more, but it says 37000 won, but why 36000 won?
(7)Expiration date: March 19th,
(8)I got a bar code and they said it was a 31,000 won coupon and asked me to pay 6,000 won more, so I bought the cake. I’ve never done this since Gifticon-san. How can I accept this, seller? Do you compensate me for the difference?

What's going on in Twosome Place update.

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(1)Pay 2,000 won more. QMBC report.
(2)News Desk
(3)Kim Kwang-bu Twosome Place franchise owner
(4)I’m going to complain to the headquarters. I’ll file an objection with the headquarters. There are a lot of people who talk forcefully like this way.

What's going on in Twosome Place update.

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(1)MBC News Desk, pay 2,000 won more.
(2)Phone 02-784-4000
(3)Mobile coupon usage increases to total sales of 30

What's going on in Twosome Place update.

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(1)Please pay 2,000 won more.Phone 02-784-4000
(2)News Desk
(3)You can say that what we feel has increased more than ten times in a year, and from the point of view of the store owner, it accumulates a lot, so we can’t lose money until when…

What's going on in Twosome Place update.

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(1)Pay 2,000 won more. QMC report.
(2)News Desk
(3)Twosome Place Headquarters
(4)This coupon will be used to buy coupons for consumers.
(5)Purchased from companies that resell.”

What's going on in Twosome Place update.

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(1)Please pay 2,000 won more.
(2)News Desk
(3)Phone 02-784-4000
(4)Other companies will pay for the discounted amount at HQ

Discounts are not available at Twosome Place.

The headquarters of Twosome Place, a famous franchise with 1,500 branches nationwide, are at odds with franchise owners. Consumers who bought discount coupons on mobile are complaining because they didn’t get discounts at the store.


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