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Blind date controversy jpg


Blind date controversy jpg

image text translation

(1)More real-time ranking
(2)I turned down a blind date guy and got cursed at. Is this my fault?
(3)For more information, call 118898 Recommendation 1081
(4)Comment 528. Writing comments.
(6)Except for all fours for accurate judgment.
(7)I’ll just write simple ones.
(8)What did I do wrong?
(9)I’m in my mid-30s. The same age as the guy on a blind date.
(10)Both employees of state-run companies.
(11)She’s a native of this area.
(12)The man is originally from another region, and he settled in this region since he was 20 years old because of college.
(13)living for 15 years after
(14)The co-ordinator is a male college senior.
(15)In this situation, we exchanged phone numbers and contacted each other for about 4 days.
(16)I didn’t feel anything strange, so I decided to meet him for the first time on Sunday.That was Thursday, and we didn’t set a specific time and place at the time.
(17)So we talked about where and what time we’ll meet tomorrow Sunday morning. I’ll write it in a text message. I’ll just translate the text.
(18)What time is good for you tomorrow?
(19)I don’t know. What time would be good? Do you have a preferred time?
(20)I’m okay with lunch and dinner, but I think it’s better to watch it when it’s bright. 12
(21)Around 1 o’clock.
(22)Yes, you can do that’s fine.
(23)Then do you like 12 o’clock or 1 o’clock?
(24)What time would be good?
(25)From this point on, I’m a bit annoyed. Let’s do it at midnight.
(26)That’s how it works.
(27)Where would be a good place? We’re in the same region, but it’s the end and the end.
(28)Since it’s far away, let’s meet in the middle.
(29)Where would be a good place to go?
(30)I’m starting to wonder if I should decide. Then let’s meet at A. A is like Myeongdong or Jongno in Seoul, the center of this area.
(31)Actually, I said A, and we decided to meet for lunch, so I thought you would search for the restaurant by yourself. I don’t know about other people, but all the blind dates I’ve done in my life, the men found out the time and location of the appointment, so they suggested it to me. I’m not saying that’s the answer. I’m just saying that I was used to it.
(32)But this guy…
(33)After about 10 minutes, he comes back to me.
(34)Where should I go?
(35)Should I eat pasta that’s really annoying?
(36)If there’s a place you go often, please let me know.then
(37)I don’t really go anywhere.There is but there isn’t.
(38)That’s not true. Then where would be good?
(39)At this point, this guy wants to dump me, but there’s no justification, so he wants to get dumped.
(40)I’m sure it’s an excuse.
(41)So I organized it.
(42)I’ve been feeling it since earlier, but I don’t think he’s a good person for me. A good person.
(43)See you.
(44)I sent it to him and he said,
(45)Why are you suddenly asking?
(46)Answer me. Block me.
(47)I blocked Kakao Talk and phone calls, and I organized it before I met the organizer. that
(48)Introduce me to Raedo. Thank you.a greeting card
(49)This happened yesterday, but the organizer suddenly contacted me this afternoon.
(50)He texted me about his story and he also captured my story, so he said he watched it.
(51)It doesn’t look like a big deal, but why did you put it up?
(52)The funny thing is, he was his ideal type internally and only waited for Sunday.
(53)He was there, and he was very embarrassed and wanted to contact me again.
(54)I’m being honest.
(55)You’ve given me everything you’ve promised to meet, trying to catch it.
(56)You don’t give yourself an opinion, you don’t have the will to look for it. I doubt it.
(57)He was just like this.
(58)I thought I wanted to be myself in this part, and even if it’s not that, I’ll stop here.
(59)Ren’s personality. He says he can’t meet a male bow.
(60)And then the facilitator said, “It’s because the guy isn’t from the area, and he doesn’t know.”
(61)But they don’t even understand that.
(62)I’ve lived in this area for 15 years, and I’ve done all my college and work here.
(63)I can’t do it. I don’t want to recognize you.
(64)Forget it. You’re blaming me. You’re all the same.
(65)I’m telling you not to contact God.sound blocking
(66)But I’m still angry.
(67)Is this what happened to me because I lacked self-interest?
(68)There are a lot of decent guys in the world, but I don’t have to…
(69)Receiving data
(71)You’re smart. You’re right. You don’t get along with someone who uses that kind of speech.
(72)You sound like a star who only talks about the core of the principle of sub-means, but it’s hard to let someone who turns a word like that get upset and know you. Both of them have a problem that they don’t know what’s going on with the message. These days, I’m looking for a phone and quarantine, so if I don’t know for 15 years, I’ll also look at it when I’m in a relationship or when I’m in a civilized gutter. because I know
(73)Mundo Island
(74)Romo. (Pun in Korean)
(75)Nasan Station is less problematic.Day
(76)While waiting, please say “Considerate Lad”.
(77)Of course. If a husband or father thinks of that after marriage, he’s a real answer.
(78)I want to compliment you for seeing one and realizing it.
(79)0058 20220725
(80)What the hell’s the man-talking technique? I want to see you lose your breath. I have borderline intelligence.
(81)021820220725 Plus Puffie
(82)You have a clear eye for people. It’s best to block them in advance.
(83)Full view > Side dish contest 00202207251435
(84)The man asks when time is good -> The writer suddenly starts to get annoyed -> The place is also a woman’s job -> The writer suddenly starts to work alone thinking that such a man should know his legs -> When the writer checks the message, the man and the personality doesn’t seem to be in trouble.
(86)I can’t untie it.


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