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A dog left at the scene of the lonely death.


A dog left at the scene of the lonely death.

image text translation

(1)I was cleaning up the scene of the death of solitude.
(2)The dog that the deceased raised in his lifetime
(3)So I asked the landlord.
(4)Why is there a puppy…
(5)This puppy here…
(6)What should I do?
(7)In a pay-as-you-go bag.
(8)Put it in and throw it away.
(9)They’re all dying anyway.
(10)Put it in an envelope.
(11)If I tie him up, he’ll die.
(12)I couldn’t help but suspecting my ears for a moment.
(13)He’s dying.
(14)He’s not dead.
(15)How can you do that?
(16)It was just a headache for the landlord.
(17)No, a dead person.
(18)The guy who cleans the house.
(19)I can’t even do that.
(20)I raise that.
(21)The owner is dead, too.
(22)Your dog will die.
(23)It’s up to you.
(24)Throw it away or take it yourself.
(25)Or raise it.
(26)I couldn’t give up my life.
(27)I ended up bringing him home.
(28)I already picked it up at the office.
(29)I have another dog.
(30)I didn’t mean to raise two.
(31)Like this, at the scene of solitude,
(32)Let’s send the deceased first.
(33)The pets that are left alone…
(34)be often encountered
(35)The dog that I’m raising in the office right now is…
(36)When I first met him, I had one eye open.Tooth
(37)I went and I rushed to the animal hospital.
(38)The vet said this.
(39)My eyeball is chapped.
(40)I don’t see any trauma, so I barked for a long time and my eyes burst.
(42)I think so.
(43)When heals after treatment,
(44)I need to have an eye removal surgery.
(45)a young man who killed himself
(46)The dog was found in the owner’s house.
(47)How desperate was he?
(48)This small dog. Because of that, the rium.
(49)I lost it.
(50)Like this, I sent the deceased first at the scene of solitude.
(51)There are many cases of folding pets left alone.
(52)Once, I left my family behind as Doubry, the old man’s camp.
(53)The work at the scene was poisoned.
(54)On the bedding, the large, strong, dead water of the sword was as if it had been a sieve.
(55)Brown hair.
(56)about as good as
(57)The dog’s body was seen when I removed it.
(58)There’s a trace on the side.
(59)It was a trace of a grandmother in a small figure.
(60)be hungry for more than 20 days
(61)He died next to his master.
(62)The children were grandmothers,
(63)This dog stood by her grandmother until the end.
(64)Don’t be hungry by instinctively.
(65)Loyal Dog Munlabo
(66)It must have been because it was a family.
(67)Usually, a pet owner wants to die first.
(68)out of the world
(69)So, what I imagined…
(70)I’ll leave you alone. My pets will welcome you later.
(71)the cycle of crossing the rainbow bridge
(72)Saying I love you so much…
(73)That’s the only thing.

A dog left at the scene of the lonely death.

image text translation

(1)When a person dies, the pet that was there first
(2)There’s a rumor that you’re coming to meet them.
(3)I love this story.

A dog left at the scene of the lonely death.

image text translation

(1)When that happens, we’ll think about each other.
(2)I think I can tell everything.


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