I was eating dinner, but the soldier was eating alone. Bla perm.

I was eating dinner, but the soldier was eating alone. Bla perm.

image text translation

(1)I saw a soldier eating alone while eating dinner.
(2)a doctor
(3)I’m home from work and eating alone at a local restaurant.
(4)A soldier came in alone and ate alone.
(5)Thick horn-rimmed glasses. Young face.
(6)It felt like I just graduated from high school.
(7)Someone’s precious son. Eating alone with me on vacation.
(8)Why do you look so pathetic?
(9)Send a dumpling to the military table.
(10)While giving me dumplings, the lady pointed at me and made eye contact.
(11)He bowed his head in surprise.
(12)I paid for everything I ate on my way out.
(13)Thank you for protecting my country.
(14)I hope you don’t get hurt and have a wonderful life with me.
(15)Let’s treat our soldiers to a meal.


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