a double-income trap.jpg

a double-income trap.jpg

image text translation

(1)Remember, the economy…
(2)I’m always growing.
(3)from 1929 onwards
(4)Until 2011.
(5)The economy as a whole.
(6)It was great.
(7)But here’s the problem.Here’s a puzzle.
(8)If you look at the average hourly earnings,
(9)Average Hourly Earnings Chart
(10)It keeps going up.
(11)Until the 1970s, and then…
(12)Something happened.
(13)the king’s steps in place
(14)That’s why I did it. 1990
(15)in the late 1970s
(16)1960 something happened.
(17)Here’s the Dow Jones industrial average.
(18)There’s a chart that shows your back.Rock…
(19)I don’t wake up at this time.
(20)Let’s think about it.
(21)The food market…
(22)I’m there.
(23)How did that happen?
(24)Was I good?
(25)of corporate profits.
(26)Will I like it all of a sudden?jean
(27)The reason why hoehiksa made a profit is because
(28)Because I lowered the threshold.
(29)At the same time, the entrepreneurs.
(30)top management
(31)pay oneself well
(32)Payment has begun to be made.
(33)the average worker’s ship
(34)more than gold
(35)Each person has more than a billion dollars.
(36)The wages have stagnated.
(37)But a lot of people like me…
(38)I still bought the item.
(39)How can you…
(40)I wonder if there was?
(41)The first coping mechanism was in .
(42)the late 70s

a double-income trap.jpg

image text translation

(1)When women go to work,
(2)I started going out.
(3)There are a lot of young mothers.
(4)We’ve entered the labor market.
(5)The reason they started to go to work…
(6)It’s a great profession for women.
(7)It’s not because it’s open.
(8)They’re going to work
(9)The main reason is that
(10)The income of a stagnant family.
(11)Because I had to hold it.
(12)There’s a way to earn more.
(13)Because I didn’t have it.
(14)It’s about mothers who can work.
(15)There was a limit to the number.
(16)So in the 1990s,
(17)Here’s the second strategy.
(18)Family. Both men and women.
(19)I’m working longer.
(20)In order to eat and live
(21)Second, third thing.
(22)When people get tired,
(23)The third coping mechanism…
(24)Let’s get it and go go go.
(25)You’re going into debt.
(26)from the mid to late ’90s
(27)House prices have skyrocketed.
(28)People said,
(29)I can afford the house.
(30)You can use the house as collateral.
(31)We can get the loan back.
(32)The middle class…
(33)I turned on the instructions.
(34)The spirits of Jun’s life…
(35)It’s 1960.an underground tour
(36)It exploded in 2008.
(37)2008 Subprime crisis
(38)Wages have stagnated for the past 30 years.
(39)The middle class is bound to be a real enemy.
(40)All the atmospheric drugs I used to avoid.
(41)The mechanisms that were trying to keep pace with inflation,
(42)It’s been used up.

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