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(1)I’ve washed all the peppers in MBT I.
(2)Seriously, isfj chili pepper is the best.
(3)INFP pepper is the worst.
(4)It’s not because I’m INFP, but it’s a taste that makes me puke.
(5)I’m sure of this.
(6)You should’ve searched for refutation.
(1)I’ve washed INFP 6 people, ISFJ 4 people, but it doesn’t taste like it comes out of chili pepper or it’s not delicious. It just went into someone else’s mouth whether they washed it thoroughly or used a separate cleaning agent to dry the moisture thoroughly, or if they just wet their vegetarian diet. Whether it came out or not only determines the taste at that time. In case of refutation, my dog bottom.
image text translation
(2)Late Night Ramen 2023-01-28 224454
(3)Okay, stop it.