The 7th language I want to learn in the world.

The 7th language I want to learn in the world.

image text translation

(1)K-Culture CNN People around the world learn Korean more than Chinese – 7th language
(2)Due to the high popularity of K-pop K-dramas, Korean is better than Chinese.
(3)There are more foreigners crying.
(4)Korean is the fastest growing language for learners worldwide, which is already the most popular foreign language in Brunei, the Philippines, and is included in the top five in many countries such as Germany, India, and Argentina.
(5)- Korean overtook China, ranked eighth in the world, and second only to Japanese, ranked fifth among Asian languages.
(6)1위 English
(7)2위 Spanish
(8)3위 French4위 German5위 Japanese6위 Italian7위 Korean
(9)8위 Chinese
(10)9위 Russian
(11)10th place is Hindi.
(12)The reason why you learn Korean!
(13)- American students want to communicate with stars such as their favorite singers and actors, that is, their fan spirit to enjoy K-culture more.
(14)- Why East Asian students want to get a job in Korea and Korean companies that have entered the country.
(15)출처 CNN Duolingo 2022 Language Report
(16)7th place, beating Chinese.

The 7th language I want to learn in the world.

image text translation

(1)Spring and Summer Decorated Winter 2023-05-2323011
(2)Best 1
(3)the global impact of Japanese animation on culture
(4)The scent is stronger than I thought. It’s still way up there.
(5)Bonnie 16 is moving.
(7)Japanese culture has been popular in the West since the 19th century. Sherlock Holmes series shows that Holmes learned Japanese martial arts, and French impressionists are also influenced by Japanese ukiyo. Star Wars in the mid-20th century refer to Japanese armor and traditional clothes a lot. It’s amazing that we followed this much in a short time.
(8)Insect bug Insect bug 2023-01-21 2334610
(9)It’s not Latin for no reason.
(10)Sad sheep 2023-01-22 114121
(11) Gaegul Gaegul Gaegul, so the state of 같은 is like that compared to Japan in the past, but now Japan is also a powerful country and a great country. Especially in terms of culture, Japan is more recognized in the world.
(12)Amond Bongbong 2023-01-22 1544490
(13)I learned Chinese, but Chinese is really useful when I travel somewhere. There is always a Chinese-speaking clerk at a tourist destination. I wrote a lot in an unexpected place where I can speak Chinese, but I don’t feel very good. So I think it’s good to learn English and use it. 1 Move.
(14)Recommendation R Answer


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