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Man accused of helping


Man accused of helping

image text translation

(1)A drunken woman fell down on the subway, so there was CCTV and there were many witnesses, so I helped her up.
(2)2. As soon as he raised her up, a woman complained of sexual harassment.
(3)I didn’t think much of it, but one day a petition came in.
(4)3 The contents of the petition are asking the woman to investigate whether the man’s support is a sexual harassment crime, but it turns out that the woman is a minor.
(5)4 The man is innocent, so he faithfully conducts an investigation and undergoes a lie detector test.
(6)5 cctv, witnesses, and investigations were well received, so I thought the investigation would be closed, but the case was sent to the prosecution.
(7)Police, prosecutors, I’m going to ruin my life.
(8)Tell me what it is.
(9)I raised a woman who fell drunk on the subway, but she screamed, “I’m suing you for sexual harassment.” I had CCTV and witnesses, so I thought it would go over without any problem, but suddenly in February, the petition was filed.
(10)I heard it was filed, so I went to the police for a long time, and she said she was a minor.
(11)So the crime was committed against the famous Acheong law
(12)It’s true that a minor is under the influence of alcohol and being booked.
(13)Investigate polygraphs because they disagree too much.
(14)They told me to pick it up, so I went. Of course, I was wronged, so I answered sincerely and I believe that the truth came out.
(15)But I called the investigator in charge, and he didn’t tell me how my lie detector investigation came out, and he didn’t tell me how the case was going, and as of the 226th, he didn’t tell me at all.
(16)It says he sent it to the prosecutor’s office, and yesterday’s date of 32.
(17)The prosecution recognized the incident. I think the laboratory has been designated.
(18)As far as I’m concerned, it’s a case where investigative powers are not guilty.
(19)As for the case, I heard that the police will notify you after closing the investigation on their own and deciding not to send it, but the fact that they sent the case to the prosecution.
(20)He sent the indictment to punish him.
(21)The bigger problem here is that I got a job as a fixed-term teacher in 31 characters, and the fixed-term teacher is also a public official, so I inform our education office or school that the case was sent.
(22)I think it didn’t matter because it was still before the contract period on the 226th at the time of sending it, but if it’s true that the case is notified based on the date booked to the prosecution or if it’s a fixed-term teacher, it’s not a formal public official.
(23)I’m naturally in the position of being unfair, so I don’t doubt that there will be a non-prosecution, but I’m trying to start a new school well, but I’m worried that this will destroy my image.
(24)A summary for the older members who didn’t read it because it was long.
(25)1 If a fixed-term teacher is notified to the institution at the time of prosecution for criminal prosecution, what date is it based on?
(26)2. It’s an unfair case, but it’s not a complaint that can accuse her of innocence, it’s a petition.
(27)3 Next time, even if a woman falls or dies, just pass by without being able to. I tried to help the older members fall drunk, but my life got twisted.
(28)4 If I’m guilty while saying a woman’s consistent statement,
(29)Life is ruined, right?
(30)Prosecutor’s case inquiry
(31)Public Prosecution Notice and Complaint
(32)I can search for my case.
(33)# Basic details
(34)Case details
(35)Additional police comments.
(36)Don’t really touch a woman’s body again.
(37)What kind of world is it these days? When you go to college, your motivation is…
(38)She’s a girl who can’t drink. Even if you touch her for nothing,
(39)He told me to change the way and go home on my own, just in case I get misunderstood.
(40)It’s the world.
(41)A drunken woman was lying on a crosswalk in the morning, hundreds of meters away.
(42)There’s a lot of cars coming in from outside, but get out of the driveway.
(43)You don’t have to carry him on your back, but you have to wear it on your own.
(44)It’s an extreme example, but it’s something that I actually wore.
(45)As soon as I saw it, I stopped the cars coming.
(46)If only I’d been crushed to death by her car 30 seconds later.
(47)The reporter almost killed him before he reported it.
(48)I said, “Why didn’t you help me?” And you shouldn’t have reported me.
(49)I was so scared.
(50)It’s a cruel world.
(51)When we wake up, we’re afraid we’ll get caught, like the shape of the main character,
(52)Waking up thick gloves in a hand-free towel
(53)I’m careful when I touch it. I’ll just fall down, support my body, and make sure it’s not too small.
(54)Stenlight wakes you up with snowflakes.
(55)I recently went out to report a female drunk driver.
(56)If you’re worried that you’ll have to touch your shoulders,
(57)As soon as I thought about it, I turned it on right away. Starting with D-cam.
(58)To prove that I only touched his shoulder to wake him up.
(59)We started recording, called her a girl, got her out of the taxi,
(60)It’s because it’s suddenly me, so put my chest together and my butt and face teeth.
(61)He kept touching it.
(62)It was ridiculous. Strictly speaking, even though I’m a victim of forced harassment,
(63)My heart was pounding so hard that he gave me the “Tte Body Cam”
(64)So that it’s recorded.
(65)Don’t stick to it. It’ll fall down. Hold my arm. I made a sound on purpose.
(66)I let him be on the video.
(67)We were nervous but you should have been more careful.
(68)If you want to help her, call 112 or 119.
(69)This country is really a place of remembrance and sex crimes for men and women that makes us cry.
(70)If you’re not a lover, be careful.
(71)Police Comments Summary
(72)Even the remaining saints are misunderstood and become very sensitive.
(73)2 Sexual harassment of being drunk and lying on the street is also a suppression of Hamchalgwan, which has a lot of parts.
(74)3. When you wake up drunk, you have to drink a lot.
(75)4. I found out that he was the boss of sex crimes.
(76)If you’re going to help me, just report me.


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