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evidence of human promiscuity


evidence of human promiscuity

image text translation

(1)There is a culture that is not monogamy.It’s not surprising that
(2)In the animal world,
(3)Monogamy doesn’t exist.
(4)The most romantic creature on earth is
(5)It’s Diflun Paradoxum.
(6)Stick to each other for the rest of your life.
(7)It’s a parasite.
(8)But humans are neither parasites nor monkeys.
(9)most similar to mankind
(10)Animals are chimpanzees and bonobos.
(11)The Indian elephant and…
(12)between a human and a chimpanzee bonobo.
(13)There are more similarities.
(14)The structure of the bones and muscles,
(15)Troubleshooting responses to stimuli
(16)It’s very similar in style.
(17)Chimpanzees and bonobos are obviously very important.
(18)I don’t stick to monogamy.
(19)Bonoboseong relationship. Anytime.
(20)Let’s make a conclusion.
(21)Bonobo has sex by saying hello.
(22)I do it when I’m stressed out.
(23)Bonobo’s free view of love…
(24)It’s evolutionarily valid.
(25)Male bonobos want to breed.
(26)Female bonobos are one of the most common sperm in the world.
(27)The winner of the competition.
(28)Because he wants to fix it.
(29)It’s the principle of survival of the fittest.
(30)Bonovo’s getting used to promiscuity.
(31)It’s a characteristic that it evolved.
(32)And what’s interesting is that we’re going to see these characteristics.
(33)You can watch it.a human being to
(34)This suggests that humans evolved to have female-chuck partners.
(35)It’s body dysmorphism.
(36)good for promiscuous sexual intercourse
(37)Cut female than 15 to 25 EL
(38)I have a big body.
(39)I’m trying to get her pregnant.
(40)The testicles become bigger and harder.
(41)The human testicle is a big testicle, a chimp, and a big testicle.
(42)a gorilla with a small testicle
(43)It’s medium size.
(44)This is the genitalia of a human male.
(45)of large primates
(46)It’s the same size and unique shape.
(47)Humans have thicker ends.
(48)with a penis
(49)Shaped woman vacuums and grinds inside IL’s reproductive organs.
(50)11 already in the ovary.
(51)He’s pulling out another sperm.
(52)It gives a greater advantage to the sperm of the male sexes.
(53)Also, human women don’t talk about sex.
(54)In a sex lecture in a movie,
(55)It’s a scene that comes out often.
(56)Making a sound during sexual intercourse…
(57)The Sutra of Primate Prospects
(58)It happens every time.
(59)In Novo also sexes to build the Jewish faith.an overlooked report
(60)It’s not just breeding.
(61)That’s why when humans insert,
(62)We look at each other.
(63)Only humans and bonobos face 030 sex.
(64)Humans also have more sexual intercourse than most mammals.
(65)So, people are saying, “Who is it?”
(66)If you say you were a teacher, it means you were a junior.the same thing


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