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I’ll build more nuclear power plants.


I'll build more nuclear power plants.

image text translation

(1)The Presidential Office declared that he would not build more nuclear power plants after declaring it the strongest country at the nuclear power plant.
(2)Reporter Yoo Jun-sang, dortem_baepdaumnet.
(3)The presidential office has no plans to build additional nuclear power plants. The resumption of nuclear power plant construction planned during the former administration is all.
(4)The government’s 10th Electricity Headquarters also has no plans to build a new nuclear power plant.
(5)changing the future
(6)Candidate Yoon Seokmin
(7)Yoon Suk Yeol President has been focusing on abolishing the previous government’s policy of de-nuclearization and implementing policies to strengthen nuclear power plants. President Yoon also mentioned at the Debos Forum on the 19th local time that he intends to expand nuclear power generation further.
(8)However, the presidential office reportedly said, “I understand that you are talking about the policy direction,” adding, “There is no part of the plan to build additional nuclear power plants at the moment.”
(9)The official confirmed that the additional construction mentioned by President Yoon refers to Shin Hanul 345 and said, “In addition to what is currently planned, we will review the additional construction of the 11th power plan in the future.”
(10)This can be interpreted as meaning that there are no nuclear power plants currently planned by the current government other than resuming the construction of nuclear power plants suspended by the previous government.
(11)According to the 10th Basic Power Supply Plan finalized by the government on the 12th of this month, there are five nuclear power plants currently under construction or scheduled to resume construction, all of which were promoted by the previous government, not the current government.

Someone says they’re going to build more nuclear power plants, someone says they’re not going to build more nuclear power plants, and who’s right?

I'll build more nuclear power plants.
image text translation

(1)It is difficult for our companies to compete internationally.”
(2)At a Cabinet meeting presided over by the presidential office in Yongsan, Seoul, President Yoon said, “Korea’s system should be set to global standards.” If we don’t do that, we can’t survive in the international community,” he said.
(3)Looking back on his trip to Switzerland last week, President Yoon stressed the need to make South Korea the world’s best innovation hub in line with global standards.
(4)Regarding the achievements of the trip, President Yoon said, “We hope related ministries will follow up on the investment of the Korea JAF investment cooperation platform sovereign wealth fund,” adding, “I will take care of this issue through export strategy meeting and regulatory innovation strategy meeting as soon as possible.”
(5)FTRANS Two jobs can be worked from home
(6)Kim Jong Kook’s choice.
(7)initial translation activities
(8)The only black marker.
(9)Read moreQ Search Extreme
(10)Average translation fee income
(11)1.5 million won to 5 million won
(12)Korea Translation Development Institute
(13)President Yoon said, “We will seek additional nuclear cooperation and joint advancement of third countries based on the sky of Barakah nuclear power plant with our brother UAE,” adding, “The deal nuclear power plant policy will quickly restore Korea’s nuclear ecosystem from the collapse crisis and pave the way for the nuclear industry to take off again.”
(14)”I deeply appreciate the hard work of the entrepreneurs who accompanied me, and I will thoroughly prepare the results of the trip to create a second Middle East boom on the basis of strong trust between the two countries,” he said.

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