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The reason why you get self-confidence.


The reason why you get self-confidence.

image text translation

(1)Professor Kim Gap-jin, a magnet-related KAIST special episode for the New Year’s Day.
(2)The full version came up.
(3)I was amazed by the part that explains magnetic force through relativity.

The reason why you get self-confidence.

image text translation

(1)Theory of Electrical and Magnetic Force and Relativity
(2)I just typed the description below.
(3)The title of the theory of relativity is the electrodynamics of moving objects.
(4)If you look here, look carefully.
(5)If you look to the left, there’s an electrical current.
(6)The current went all the way to the right, so we learned it in high school.
(7)I heard that if current flows like this, there’s a magnetic field around you.Then there will be a magnetic field.
(8)If the electron takes the speed, the magnetic force, the Lorentz force that we just talked about, will spin.
(9)I’m going to turn like this.
(10)What happens on the right side is that the personally.
(11)If you move just like an electron, the velocity of the electron is zero.
(12)The velocity of the electron is zero. What happens is…
(13)The current in that wire means that the plus goes to the plus.
(14)Minus goes to the left.
(15)If I start moving to the right, the minus point is…
(16)I’m going to go to the left quickly. Considering the relative speed,
(17)If you move fast, then somehow things have to happen because Einstein said,
(18)If you move fast, the length has to shrink. The length shrinks.
(19)So, there’s talk about time delay.
(20)The length shrinks, but the charge must not change. I can’t change the amount.
(21)If the length shrinks, the density has to increase.
(22)The minus moves quickly, so the density needs to increase.
(23)When the former sees it, it breaks the balance between positive and negative
(24)Then this feels electricity. There are a lot of minus points.
(25)You have to push out the minus points.
(26)We’re going up.
(27)That’s a standing ovation.
(28)The title of the thesis on relativity is like that’s why.


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