image text translation
(1)How about a new hat?
(2)Yesterday, in the next village,
(3)I bought it for 10 acorns!I think it was a good bargain.
(4)Oh, it’s okay.
(5)Why don’t you write it like this?
(6)What are you doing.
(7)I’m jealous of you.
(8)Four acorns.
(9)Oh! I can’t see!
(1)a striped acornimage text translation
(2)My favorite…
(4)Oh my god.
(5)a striped acorn
(6)It’s a gift!
(7)Thank you so much!
(8)I found this myself!That’s incredible!
(9)I searched the forest all day long!Hehe, enjoy your meal!!
image text translation
(1)People told me,image text translation
(2)They say you’re cute because you look like a puppy.
(3)I’m Rudolph.
(4)He took it!
(5)I envy you guys. To me, ddddddoonghiing!
(6)Look at this. I’m a hermit crab from today!
(7)Wow, Sora.
(8)That’s awesome!!