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Wow, I barely held it in.


It happened a while ago, but I went into the underground parking lot of the library and there was no space.

We have to go out again, but it’s a very cramped place where we can’t turn the car around.

A large Felicade car on the doorway blocked the disabled parking area and turned off the engine.

I’m parking, so I got out of the car and approached him.

I asked him if he could get out of the car for a second because he had to leave the car.

She lowered the window slightly and said bluntly, “It’s a handicapped parking area.”

He had a really bad expression and tone, so I tried to hold it in.

No, what does that matter? You put it in and take it out again.

While I was talking, I pulled up the window and moved the car.

There was already a car in front of me and there were cars coming in the back, so I held it in and drove out.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get.

The funny thing is, I parked somewhere else except for the car and came back down to the underground parking lot, and I parked it in the disabled area.

Wow, I barely held it in.
I had the same experience the day before yesterday, so I bought it because it was cool.

The lady said the same thing.

the crap of handicapped parking

But you blocked everything so that cars with disabled driver’s stickers wouldn’t get in.

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