The reason why the President of Egypt won the Best Mother Award.

The reason why the President of Egypt won the Best Mother Award.

image text translation

(1)About 40 years ago, her husband…
(2)not yet born into the womb
(3)Without seeing her first daughter,
(4)I left for heaven.
(5)She was 21 years old.
(6)It’s a little better now, but…
(7)Back then, women were looking for jobs.
(8)It was unthinkable to get it.
(9)And she doesn’t have any education.
(10)I didn’t get it, and I had a baby daughter.
(11)It was just wealth.
(12)She can do it where she can do it.
(13)Nothing happened.
(14)She was in despair,
(15)awakened by hunger
(16)Looking at her little daughter, she said something.
(17)He looked determined.
(18)And then find the scissors and put them in the kitchen.
(19)After that, she began to cut her hair short.
(20)After getting my hair done, this time, clothes.
(21)of the husband I left in the intestines.
(22)I began to take out my clothes.
(23)After dressing up as a clumsy guy for the first time,
(24)The first place she’s headed for is…
(25)It was a brick factory on the outskirts of town.
(26)”Can I work there?” That…
(27)She spoke in the thickest voice she could produce.
(28)A supervisor is more than a normal man.
(29)A strange man of small stature.
(30)I looked up and down.
(31)”Come out from tomorrow.”
(32)I like the slender man.
(33)I didn’t lose, but I had to hire her because there were not enough workers on the spot.
(34)Since then, she’s only had her own.
(35)For her one and only daughter.
(36)through the rough and hard work.
(37)Do whatever comes to your mind your own business.
(38)It’s starting.
(39)After some time, I became 60s.
(40)So she couldn’t go to the factory, and she’s no longer physically challenged.
(41)Spread them on the ri and clean your shoes.
(42)She’ll be cleaning her shoes as usual.
(43)I feel like a gentleman in a suit
(44)She’s coming and she’s just as usual.
(45)”Do you want to brush your shoes?” Gentleman…
(46)Instead of answering, a plastic bag…
(47)But she can read.
(48)”I’m sorry, but I have dark eyes.
(49)”Inside the four great peaks of Lusself”
(50)I read what was written.
(51)”You’re the best mother of the year.
(52)I admit it.”
(53)That’s what the Egyptian president did to her.
(54)It was a letter sent to me.
(55)Forty-three years of family duty.
(56)Abudao, who lived in Janghan, is this house.
(57)President T Alsi
(58)I’m invited to take a bite to eat.
(59)We can do it on the street with this family.
(60)I don’t suffer.
(61)I got a crab as a gift crab.

The reason why the President of Egypt won the Best Mother Award.

image text translation

(1)female character 2023-01-20 105142 39070
(2)Best 1
(3)I raised my child after a hard time, but until my 40s,
(4)Did you not take care of your mother? Is the culture different? 3.
(5)Daongs 2023-01-20 175426
(6)As Abu Dau’s daughter grew up and got married, Abu Dau tried to stop dressing up as a man and working. But something unfortunate happened. Abu Dow’s daughter’s grandson, who was born shortly after her marriage, is seriously ill. The daughter became unable to work, and eventually Abu Dow was forced to continue working.
(7)Living as a man and hanging out with other men, she even drank in bars where men went. But she never answered that she was a man to anyone who asked if she was a woman. She answered that she was a woman.
(8)I read a story in a British newspaper.
(9)Mutal Blood 2023-01-20 180937392170
(10)I’m sorry to break your heart, but you said you’ve been dressed as a man for more than 40 years, but if your country’s president knew, wouldn’t everyone know about it? 4. Move.
(11)Recommendation R Answer

At some point, it came out, but he’s been working, and it’s a pity that he’s been accepted as an open secret. I think Mulan would have done the same.

I’m not sure because the Arabic article doesn’t translate well, but it seems that her daughter’s husband is divorced.

SENTENCE The woman in the photo that doesn’t look like she suffered at the beginning is a model and actress, and she is likely to appear in a drama adaptation of the woman above.

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