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Why Chinese Hackers Hack Korean Public Institutions


Why Chinese Hackers Hack Korean Public Institutions

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(1)Chinese hacker group attacking Korea “Korean star annoyed”
(2)Kim Junyeop Input 2023 125 1521 Modified 2023125 1609
(3)The website was hacked by the Korean Language Society, the Korean Archaeological Society, the Korean Parents’ Association, the Korean Institute of Education, the Korean Society of Health Basic Medicine, the Korean Society of Social Studies, the Korean East-West Psychiatry Society, the Korean Society of Blind Education and Science.
(4)KISA is working with the affected organizations to find out the exact situation of the damage. In the case of the Korea Construction Policy Institute, about 60 e-mail information that applied for webzine was leaked, and there are no additional attacks.
(5)ST Chapter 22.
(6)Korean Chemical Society
(7)Chinese hacking group Xiao Qiying’s Telegram channel
(8)The cyber attack was reportedly led by the Chinese hacker group Xiao Qiying, who claimed that the Korean government only reported 12 institutional intrusions, but that there were far more databases and sites deleted.
(9)Earlier, Xiao Qiying revealed that it hacked into Korean academic institutions through Telegram channels. They hacked 79 education-related sites in Korea and declared that they would disclose about 54GB of data stolen from public institution sites.
(10)This hacker group is known to have an anti-Korean tendency.These people say, “We don’t work for the Chinese government. Our team will work freely and use Korea as a hacking training site, he said, adding that several Korean streaming stars were annoyed by the reason for hacking into Korea.
(11)This is not the first attack by a Chinese hacker organization. After the decision to deploy THAAD, a high-altitude missile defense system, those believed to be a hacker organization linked to the Chinese People’s Liberation Army attacked major Korean institutions. Some analysts say that the Korean government’s recent strengthening of COVID-19 quarantine measures for entrants from China has triggered the cyber attack.
(12)Chinese hacker organizations 12 hacking government agencies
(13)· 2,000 attacks, including media companies, are expected.
(14)Kim Yu-dae input 2023 1252137 modified 2023 1252203
(15)12 hacking governments in China’s hacker organizations
(16)Typical writers of hacker organizations trying to show off their electronic power are:
(17)I’m evaluating it with a human method.
(18)Moon Jong-hyun, head of the East Security Center, is a very high-quality shirt.
(19)I don’t think he used hacking techniques, so his skills…
(20)It’s confusing during the Lunar New Year holiday.
(21)Looks like it’s meant to be.
(22)The hacker organization is far more than the Korean party has ever identified.
(23)It is well known that he invaded many scenes and deleted data.
(24)Hello, I’m Jang-hi.
(25)In particular, these 2 are between the government, public institutions, and the media.
(26)He shared his home pay address and announced an attack.
(27)He said he’d release the stolen data to the air defense agency.
(28)The government is on alert for the Korea Internet Promotion Agency.
(29)I’m dancing.
(30)Advise security personnel at organizations and businesses in advance.
(31)I asked for help. I was a student.I’m going to send the Internet information to Gongheungwon.
(32)to a limited extent


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