image text translation
(1)MBC News Desk Tesla shares also tumbled
(2)Tesla’s sudden braking of vehicles… an eight-car collision
(3)If you’ve experienced Phantom Break,
(4)The opa and phantom brakes…
(5)He’s a close friend.
(6)On the way to Opa, there’s a phantom brake.
(7)I was joking.ten thousand
(8)You have to always take care of it.
(9)according to one’s experience
(10)an 80 km high road
(11)The phantom brake came from the elevated entrance.
(12)The 15-ton dump truck that followed almost crashed.
(13)I was scolded by the truck driver.
(14)202301201722 Reply
(15)Usually, if there’s a flaw in the car owners,
(16)I’m telling the outside world and asking for a recall.
(17)Tesla owners shush even if they have flaws lol
(18)A sudden braking defect while driving an autopilot is said to be a close friend lol.
(19)It is said that if the Tesla explosion a few days ago spreads outside the Tesla cafe, it will strengthen the legal response lol.
(20)I guess I’m scared that used cars will be worth the shit lol.