Story of Yagallum in a Closed Ward

Story of Yagallum in a Closed Ward

image text translation

(1)Closed ward story 1txt00221142
(2)Inquiry 235 Comments 0↓
(3)There is nothing but TV in the hospital. There is no book.
(4)Even that TV never gets angry when you touch the power of old pups in the room.
(5)So I have to find a young normal friend in the hospital and spend time talking around the hospital.
(6)But if we do this for a week, we’ll be separated from each other. It’s really the start of time and spirit room.
(7)Closed ward story 2txt
(8)Lookup 446 Comments 0↓
(9)I come to church to serve once a week.
(10)They usually bring bread or drinks and read them in the hospital.
(11)And a barber comes every three weeks.
(12)You can’t leave your hair to these chewies. You have to shave your head.
(13)Closed ward story 3txt
(14)Inquiry 416 Comments 2↓
(15)Most of the patients in the hospital are crazy, but surprisingly, there are quite a few normal people.
(16)People who come in mainly because of suicide attempts or if they take alcoholics, they can control it.
(17)These people don’t treat schizophrenia or low-key babies as human beings in groups.
(18)When you’re hospitalized, don’t be alone because there’s no normal people in your 20s.
(19)You told me to join your group, so I stayed in this group.
(20)Closed ward story 4txt
(21)Inquiry 227 Comments 0↓
(22)During COVID-19, more than 10 people were allowed in one shot.
(23)We’ve ignored our hospital and we’ve filled in more than 10 people.
(24)So the government came to observe who reported it.
(25)Let’s change it to 8 people. We don’t have enough rooms, so put someone upstairs and downstairs.
(26)It’s illegal after sending it back.
(27)The officials who came to observe are going, so I’ll go back and fill them up with more than 10 people each.
(28)Local mental hospitals realize how rampant corruption is.
(29)Closed ward story 5txt
(30)Look up 412 comments. 0V.
(31)Every Tuesday and Friday is the day to get snacks.
(32)On Monday and Thursday, the day before receiving it, write down the snack cigarette you want and submit it.
(33)I cut down on my family’s snack expenses, but I can’t let my family send money if they don’t.
(34)There’s a lot of kids who get dumped and steal things.
(35)The day of receiving snacks was the only happiness for patients in the hospital.
(36)And at the time, there were no teenagers in the hospital except me and a friend of the division leader.
(37)He took out a cigarette and smoked it. So I asked him. He’s a teenager, but he’s still sick.
(38)He said he’d buy me a cigarette at Won.
(39)It’s annoying before you leave the hospital, but if you combine COVID-19 room number and this,
(40)I didn’t because I was going to.
(41)Closed ward story 6txt
(42)Inquiry 290 Comments 01
(43)If you put five men together, one of them is gay.
(44)Of course, there were gay people in our hospital, where hundreds of men were gathered at that time.
(45)There were two people, and one was a fat guy. Give me your name in the remote region.
(46)He showed me a certificate of being a college graduate singer, like a competition award.
(47)Anyway, the guy was Nading, and I was the one who touched John the Fellowship.
(48)When I told Hosa, she stopped after that.
(49)And one was a man in his mid-20s who grew up in a low orphanage.
(50)If we were in the same room, but one day, he kept touching my jersey.
(51)I hit him because I was angry, but he kept touching me, so I told the nurse his name.
(52)At first, the nurse moved the room, but she kept following me around.
(53)My doctor sent me down to the second floor.
(54)The second floor of our hospital is a collection of seriously ill elderly people with dementia.
(55)Closed ward story 7txt
(56)00221142 Inquiries 200 Comments 01
(57)There’s only one pay phone in the hospital.
(58)The hours of use are from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m., but after coming from the country to observe,
(59)changed to 24 hours
(60)I called my mom because I couldn’t last a month at the hospital.
(61)My mom said she understood and said she’d let me out once I got tested.
(62)The Asperger iq normal autism, I asked him to be discharged after being judged, but he was later examined and involved in a post-examination accident.
(63)No doctor. Not only the family consent, but the doctor’s cochlearn ward is unconditional.
(64)He said he needed a righteous man.
(65)Your doctor gave you three more months of rotting in the closed ward, and the details are at the end of the day.
(66)I’ll tell you when I’m talking about it.
(67)Closed ward story 8txt
(68)OO221142 inquiry 243 comment 01
(69)As I said before, the closed ward is a neglect of time and spirit.
(70)Watching TV, not walking, nothing to do, no books.
(71)So there’s a timetable to relieve the patient’s boredom.
(72)If Monday and Thursday were exercising, the nurse would be annoyed after lunch.
(73)But 10 songs.
(74)Then we’ll go around the hospital hallway accordingly, and that’s it.
(75)If you don’t turn, your doctor will scold you.
(76)And Wonil sends a prize and blocks it with irons. It’s spinning around while enjoying the air outside the rooftop. This is the end of the story. The jade pond of Ram Hospital Okmot.
(77)Tul (meaning ‘tteul’).
(78)And on Wednesday, only a small number of people allowed to go out from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. are allowed to go out.
(79)by one’s doctor
(80)And on Friday, it’s a movie screening, but just play a rated-R movie.
(81)I wanted to get a daughter because I’m so stupid, but can I get a daughter from the hospital?
(82)Not Environment
(83)So, I dream twice until I get out of the hospital.
(84)Sake 9txt Printed Ward 42
(85)Yes, 2211
(86)Group 321 Comments 1 ↓ Comments
(87)Breakfast, lunch, and dinner are coming.
(88)Most of the patients like me who have bad taste turn a blind eye to the side dish.
(89)I’m going to eat it when I’m eating rice. Whenever I buy seaweed,
(90)Kimchi was made in China, so no one ate it except for schizophrenia or a poor kid.
(91)I never ate rice cake and soup until I was discharged from the hospital.
(92)So I called my mom that I couldn’t eat.
(93)If you sent me 14 cups a week, I’m sure you were the one who locked me up.
(94)Yes, yes.
(95)Closed ward story 10txtoo221142
(96)Look up 305. Comment 2.
(97)It’s about 30 minutes after breakfast, lunch, and dinner.
(98)One female nurse walks around the room to see if she gives medicine and eats.
(99)The hospital has symptoms. Very minor social. Evening air.
(100)I’m just not going to take Asper’s breakfast heart medicine, so I’m going to take one.
(101)The people in the same room were jealous of you.
(102)Of course, there were a lot of people who refused to take drugs.
(103)At that moment, two male nurses tied their arms and legs and forcibly refused to take a beating.
(104)Spit it out. Two weeks in exile to a collection of elderly people with dementia on the second floor.
(105)Most of the people who went to the second floor came back nice.
(106)Closed ward story 11txt00221142
(107)Inquiry 274 Comment 1
(108)Each patient has an assigned physician
(109)The director of the hospital was my doctor.
(110)I get counseling three times a week.
(111)Most of the doctors just say hello to the patient’s face, wash it, and ignore it even if the patient says anything.
(112)Maybe it’s because my parents come to the hospital often, but I ask a lot of special treatment.
(113)He tried to edify me by writing a letter to me.
(114)I was a game changer MJ student, but thanks to my doctor, I found a dream related to Lim.
(115)Two weeks ago, he said he didn’t want to go to the military, and he said he didn’t want to go, so he retreated.
(116)Your doctor says he’ll write you a note when you’re out of the hospital and you’re examined.
(117)I lost 90 points to profit, but I was exempted from military service because I wrote a letter of opinion that I could never live in society.
(118)Collapse story last txt Dong oo221142 inquiry 2001 comment 5 bottles
(119)On the second month of closed ward life,
(120)I can’t stand it. When my friend and I come to eat, open the entrance door.
(121)I even planned to run.
(122)But I realized it was impossible.
(123)I’m not going to make a phone call to my dad and I’m going to live a decent life, so I’m going to ask him to leave the hospital, so on.
(124)He didn’t want me to come to the hospital with my mom. Dad said he couldn’t help it.
(125)Yeah, my dad came to the hospital, but the doctor couldn’t be stubbornly.I don’t think so.
(126)I brought my sister, who was busy in school, and she told me to get her out of the hospital.
(127)They let me out of the hospital. It’s been exactly 2 months and 26 days.
(128)You said you wanted it, congratulated me, and my friend whined that he couldn’t stand it without me, but I told him what I could do.
(129)That’s how I came out. My mom bought me a tablet and enrolled me in a drawing academy.
(130)Since then, I have been learning how to draw. ○○

The reason for compulsory hospitalization is because they are locked in a school refusal room and are as big as games, but I don’t know the details.

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