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31-year-old Mosol congratulatory money


31-year-old Mosol congratulatory money

image text translation

(1)According to the story, the writer, A, is trying to make himself out.
(2)I have five friends that I’ve been close to since middle school. All of them were married except for their friend B, who declared their non-marriage when they were young.
(3)Mr. B is said to have attended his friends’ weddings and paid congratulatory money ranging from 300,000 won to 500,000 won, as well as giving gifts to his friends’ first birthday parties to celebrate the celebration.
(4)Meanwhile, Mr. B asked his married friends to add 100,000 won each for the trip, saying, “It’s not as much as he sprayed, but it’s a 40th birthday trip, so I think I can get that much.”
(5)출처 httpsnavermexmPUBjgi

I can’t sleep after watching this.

I’m 31 years old. I’ve never dated before.

I’ve never dated anyone before.

I don’t have any magic on my hands.

Regardless of whether I’m close or not,

I went to the wedding and did at least 10 of them.

If you’re close, you’ve done it a lot.

Of course, I congratulated him.

I don’t know what I’m gonna get later.

It’s under the bridge.

A guy who’s 30 years old and hasn’t had a good relationship.

I’m thinking about getting married.go

I hurt my leg while working last year.

Tightened to machine

My leg went into the machine.

It’s okay because I’m wearing safety shoes below my ankles.

There’s a lot of shit on it. If the shin part is cut more than 17 cm, the width seems to be about 5 to 7 cm.

I could see the bones at that time.

They said they wouldn’t do it even if you beat them up for more than 6 months.

I thought I would lose if I hit him.

I extended it for a year, but it kept getting approved lol.

Anyway, when all the treatments you can do now are over,

It left a huge scar.

I cut off the thigh and transplanted the cut off part of my leg, and I thought I’d only get scars on the wound.

But I have a scar the size of two palms on my thigh.

It’s like Google, but if you look at the skin graft defect, there’s a picture.

I just cut it with a knife, so it’s a hateful picture of dog beef.

He was diagnosed with nerve damage on his injured leg.

If you don’t wear a pituitary aid, you’re limping.

I’m not gonna tell you about the scars on the wound.

I’ve made some progress, but when I saw the transplanted part of my thigh, I couldn’t think of getting married.

My relatives and adults around me are talking about getting married, but if I have a daughter, I’ll never leave it to a crippled, disgusting scar on both legs.

The love god and the leg god.

I don’t know if this expression is right, but I gave up.

during this Lunar New Year’s Day,

After a long time

A friend I met will get married in May.It’s…

After I got hurt, I thought I’d pay for it again.

This thought comes to mind first. You’re so selfish.

It’s not that I don’t have money. My annual salary is over 6,000 and if I pay for various disability and industrial accidents, I’ll be over 8,000 before tax a year.

Still, 50,000 won is a waste. It’s unfair.

If I ask you to lend me some money, I can lend it to you without thinking about getting 50,000 won.

If someone buys me something expensive because I don’t have money,

It’s 50,000 won and 100,000 won. It’s not a waste to buy beef.

Why is it such a waste to pay the damn money?

A person who used to pay 50 congratulatory money and celebrate his first birthday told his friends that he would go on a non-marital trip at the age of 40.

I didn’t want to waste it, so I felt like I was screwing up.

I don’t think it’s going to be like that, but I was upset when I saw that.

I tried it because I couldn’t sleep.

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