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criminals caught making eye contact with the police


criminals caught making eye contact with the police

image text translation

(1)And the story of that day.
(2)one eye contact
(3)A policeman on patrol.
(4)I happened to see the next lane.
(5)an instant eye contact
(6)a car in the next lane that is so dirty
(7)eye contact with a driver
(8)My eye contact.
(9)avoiding the eyes.
(10)the police looking at the passenger seat next to the driver’s seat
(11)Bow your head down to 90 degrees.
(12)Is there a violent crime?
(13)One day, the police on patrol looked at the car next to him, which was too dirty.
(14)But the driver and the man in the passenger’s seat avoided the police’s eyes too clearly.
(15)a broad daylight chase
(16)of a filthy car.
(17)Vehicle number inquiry
(18)a vehicle wanted in a hit-and-run accident not too long ago
(19)4545. Kick to the 4545.
(20)Turns out it’s a hit-and-run wanted vehicle, so the police ordered the car to stop.
(21)Ignore the warning broadcast.
(22)a wanted vehicle that runs as it is
(23)All of a sudden, like crazy.
(24)a hit-and-run wanted vehicle that speeds up
(25)That’s how it started.
(26)a chase in the middle of Gangnam
(27)At that time, the vehicle ignored the police order and started a chase in the middle of Gangnam.
(28)What kind of hit-and-run was he doing?
(29)It turned out that
(30)Failure to deal with minor collisions.
(31)Before the hit-and-run accident,
(32)There’s something more!
(33)But the weird thing is that a hit-and-run accident isn’t a big deal, it’s just a contact situation, so what are the police doing?
(35)I’m going to chase it to the end.
(36)Successfully arrested after persistent pursuit.
(37)The car that they drove was a cannon car.
(38)in a cannon-car
(39)Mr. Kim and Mr. Park running through Gangnam
(40)both of them
(41)No criminal record.
(42)a picture story
(43)I have no power but a hit-and-run accident.
(44)They caught two people, but they both had no criminal record, except the car was a cannon.
(45)Top Model’s Reasoning Instinct
(46)I’m sure you’ve searched all the cars.
(47)a suspicious duo
(48)It’s not a trunk.
(49)clues found elsewhere
(50)a suspicious duo
(51)I opened the glove box.
(52)One cell phone found there.
(53)a two-member columnar contest
(54)What’s more suspicious is that there was no battery.
(55)In 2005, at that time
(56)Location tracking possible within a radius of 300m
(57)so selfish.
(58)the only clue
(59)But if you take out the battery,
(60)When tracking location
(61)The last radio wave where the battery was blown.
(62)as a confirmation signal
(63)I was suspicious of a battery cell phone that searched the car and pulled out the battery to avoid missing Lee.
(64)Location tracking for crimes such as kidnapping.
(65)The tail is curly.
(66)That day’s story.
(67)a police officer who began to press hard
(68)the only clue
(69)a duo who keeps changing their words
(70)I’m suspicious.
(71)a high-crime divorce-free situation
(72)And the words of the duo’s cell phones keep changing.
(73)a police officer who saved all cell phones.
(74)Your saved phone number is…
(76)All 13 of them.
(77)The phone number you don’t answer or don’t have one.
(78)a phone that came back after a while
(79)And the songs that you hear…
(80)The Voice Receiver Beyond
(82)And a warrior.
(83)If you’re calling,
(84)It’s a poem.
(86)a frightened woman’s voice
(87)The police, who saved the cell phone, answered someone who was on the phone, and a terrified woman came and called the number, but no one answered.
(88)Cold spring.
(89)He’s part of it.
(90)The woman who called back after seeing the missed number.
(91)A woman who starts crying when she announces she’s a cop.
(92)This is my friend’s number.
(93)a fixed position
(94)the only organization
(95)My friend is…
(96)He died seven months ago.
(97)He was murdered.
(98)Turns out it was a phone call from a friend who was murdered seven months ago.
(99)Cell phone owner found dead
(100)a dead friend’s cell phone
(101)May 2004
(102)Seven months ago.
(103)The day that no one knows.
(104)Gangwon-do Provincial Government’s Prudence
(105)the bag that Simmani found
(106)That day that no one knows.
(107)After he was killed, he was buried undercover.
(108)321 years old.
(109)Mrs. Housemaid
(110)It’s the day no one doesn’t know.
(111)The missing child with a 70-day-old baby.
(112)Lee, a 21-year-old housewife, went missing with her 70-day-old baby at the time, and only her mother was found dead.
(113)TJO that no one knows.
(114)First of all, she was found dead.
(115)I don’t know him.
(116)the traces of a baby that has finally disappeared
(117)The mother was found dead, and the baby less than 100 days old disappeared.
(118)Child abduction case in Pyeongtaek
(119)Young Il-ji – The kidnapping of a child by a child who met Kim at a nightclub in May 2003 after running away from home.
(120)I called the errand center for fear that my stomach pregnancy would be revealed in October.
(121)Kidnapping a newborn baby in February 2004 at a friend’s house after deceiving her that she would have a baby in the U.S.
(122)On May 24, 70 years after the criminal, the baby and the kidnapped mother were handed over to Mr. Kim, and the mother was a taxi student who was criticized for murder.
(123)22 January 2005: Checking a vehicle wanted on Sony charges.
(124)an Indulgeur
(125)It was a kidnapping of an infant who was falsely commissioned to marry a child, and the baby who went to the girl’s house requested by the police was growing up well, and the baby was arrested by a woman who returned to her biological father.
(127)I’m going to do it’s…


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