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The movie that Kim Tae-ri is confident that it’s fun. JPG.


The movie that Kim Tae-ri is confident that it's fun. JPG.

image text translation

(1)Kim Tae-ri said, “The second part of this movie is definitely interesting.” The first part requires a lot of explanation, but the second part seems to be much more fun because it’s all recognized. In the second part, I say that there are many drama situations, so I will act more, and if I am kind, I accept the audience’s comment that it is not a movie after watching it once and saying that it is a kind first part.If you watch it two or three times, what’s there to be difficult about a kind movie like a movie that unravels the loop? I thought it was also a good movie power to make you watch it several times to find something. After watching the second part, I think the questions that you are curious about will be solved clearly,” he said, expressing his thoughts on the movie’s likes and dislikes.
(2)Kim Tae-ri said, “Until now, I didn’t talk about my work in the world with confidence.”It’s a good story when promoting, but I wasn’t confident in my acting. I’ve always been defensive, but even before I watched the movie, aliens were so proud that they were saying, “Look at the world!” In that sense, I’ve never seen my work so happily. I was so happy about the process. He was proud of the movie, saying, “It’s definitely not up to my level, but nevertheless, it’s a movie that I really want to promote.”

Alien part two.

This movie has a lot of likes and dislikes.

I’ll have a fun episode.

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