the end of a minor’s-related morass

the end of a minor's-related morass

image text translation

(1)It went in well.
(2)I’m staying at a motel there.
(3)Thank you for finding me a place to stay.
(4)If you have a relationship with a minor,
(5)You know it’s illegal.
(6)And I didn’t even want to.
(7)Maybe you attacked me.
(8)Hey, what’s wrong?
(9)He’s so playful.
(10)No, for real.
(11)I’ll sue you for assaulting your brother
(12)Don’t joke around.
(13)If you want an agreement, give me 3 million won.
(14)Or I could really ruin your life.
(16)I’ll leave an account.
(17)Kookmin Bank 654302
(18)If you send me 3 million won, I’ll forget about it.
(19)I got it.
(20)I sent it. Look.
(21)But what I just got is like a down payment.
(22)Send me 10 million won.
(23)He drinks in the room and doesn’t use a big bottle.
(24)I’m a minor.
(25)It’ll be 3 million won.
(26)What’s wrong with you?
(27)I want to drink with you.That’s.
(28)You said it was a safe day.
(29)Even if I drink alcohol,
(30)You were the one who attacked me.
(31)Someone who’s been sexually assaulted.
(32)Are you kidding me
(33)Information When adults have sex with adolescents under the age of 16, mutual agreement and correlation
(34)Punishment without.
(35)It’s also illegal to get rid of runaway teenagers.

The straw angle is right.

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