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The new sister-in-law who doesn’t come to her in-laws’ house during the holidays that are arguing in the blind.


The new sister-in-law who doesn't come to her in-laws' house during the holidays that are arguing in the blind.

image text translation

(1)Blah blah 12 hours
(2)After my step sister got married, my house never…
(3)Is this my house?
(4)It’s a big house, but I don’t have a family.
(5)Before you get married, your family gets together after a long time.
(6)To create a festive mood, the four of us are mom and dad.
(7)We grilled beef and ate tteokguk. That’s all we did during the holidays.
(8)My brother didn’t come to the holidays after he got married.
(9)Traveling with my step sister.
(10)Or I go to my wife’s house because it’s close to her.
(11)He doesn’t come to my house after grilling meat.
(12)It’s not like I’m on bad terms with my mom.
(13)It’s not even a Seaworld family.
(14)Why do I hate my brother and step sister who travel every holiday?
(15)It doesn’t feel like a holiday. After you got married,
(16)Just lie down at home. It’s no use cooking.
(17)I saw my step sister before I got married.
(18)After getting married, take a look at him;
(19)Every New Year’s Day is a wedding anniversary.
(20)I don’t think it’s going to come.
(21)How much will it cost to join my duo?
(22)i In February 2023, Busan Warcation

The new sister-in-law who doesn't come to her in-laws' house during the holidays that are arguing in the blind.

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(2)We can’t drive in the passenger seat either.
(3)It’s been three years since I’ve been here.
(4)Good, three.
(5)If my brother goes alone, I can’t drive, so I have to stay at home alone, so I can’t even let him go alone. Both of them are stupid. If they are going to live as they are, why are they robbed of 300 million won by their parents?
(6)Good, 14.
(7)Seoul National University Bundang Hospital illillll
(8)I ran for 300 million. I’ll give you 300 million back.
(9)Good. 4.
(11)Good, 10.
(12)Seoul National University Bundang Hospitalillillill
(13)It doesn’t matter what happened to them, but I don’t understand that they got 300 million won and went underwater, but they stole my parents’ retirement funds.
(14)I thought it was a great personality to get married even if I had enough money. ^^ I just don’t understand. I’m not young. I brought 10 million won at the age of 31, but I don’t understand why you called me to the hospital if you’re sick. I don’t understand why you have to choose someone to take care of you and get married. I don’t understand why you don’t come to eat because you’re so busy during the holidays. It’s not like you’re eating at home, but let’s eat out.

The new sister-in-law who doesn't come to her in-laws' house during the holidays that are arguing in the blind.

image text translation

(1)Severance Hospital – ililiilli
(2)I guess you were focused on your family. But you played that role more.
(3)What do you mean catch a new sister when you say you won’t do it? Except for the new sister, the four of us get together later.
(4)New company jllllili!
(5)Because you’re the only one in your family who lives apart.
(6)When you came, it felt like we were all together.
(7)It’s been a long time since I felt that way.
(8)Good. 5.
(9)Severance Hospital – iiliiliilli
(10)The four of us gather together so that our step sister envies us. Strange sissy.
(11)Don’t try to do it.
(12)Good, 80.

The new sister-in-law who doesn't come to her in-laws' house during the holidays that are arguing in the blind.

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(1)Maritime police agency illillillill
(2)I feel bad for my step sister.
(3)Good, 29.
(4)New company jllllili!
(5)What the hell;;;;
(6)No one is as comfortable as my step sister.
(7)I quit my job as soon as I got married.
(8)He’s going to raise two dogs and not have a baby.
(9)And yet you can’t say anything at your in-laws’ house, so what’s the pity?
(10)Good, 55.
(11)Samsung Electronics jjjji
(12)LOL. It’s pong pongpongpong.
(13)Good, 20.
(14)New company jllllili!
(15)You can’t get upset.
(16)Did we rip off her hair or curse her? What did I do?
(17)You might be disappointed if you don’t show your face once you get married. 34
(18)Severance Hospital ililiilli
(19)It’s not your brother, it’s all because he’s upset about your step sister, but it’s your brother who’s not home and doesn’t do well.
(20)Good, 92!

The new sister-in-law who doesn't come to her in-laws' house during the holidays that are arguing in the blind.

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(1)Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, 川
(2)My step sister got married and didn’t come -> I’ll write “Ahn” after my brother got married.
(3)Anyone can see that it’s more transparent to blame the step sister than the older brother.
(4)Good, 16.
(5)Hanon System
(6)This is it. (Laughs)
(7)Good, 11.
(8)Korean Air!!!!!!
(9)Government Employees·Hipbo2
(10)44 That’s what I’m saying.
(11)Good. 8.
(12)Korea Electric Power Corporation – Babies, I love you
(13)If you don’t go to your in-laws, you don’t have to go to your wife’s house. Why do you go
(15)My brother is being gaslighted.
(16)The new sister is not ordinary.
(17)Good, 20.

The new sister-in-law who doesn't come to her in-laws' house during the holidays that are arguing in the blind.

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(1)Korean Air – iiii!!
(2)You’re not the problem. Why are you the step sister?
(3)Good, 65.
(4)Samsung Engineering lillillilli
(5)It’s both a problem.
(6)Good, 11.
(7)Korean Air!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(8)That’s true, too. Let’s blame the two of you instead of blaming the new sister.
(9)Good. 8.
(10)Korean Air – iiiiii!!!!
(11)Someone said that her husband is going home to see his family.
(12)Unless you threaten her with a knife and tell her not to go, even if your step sister doesn’t want to go, you have to go.
(13)I don’t do that even if it’s not a holiday.
(14)3 hours. Good.
(15)Even if the step sister told her husband not to go, that’s…
(16)It’s a guess. Based on the fact, both the step sister and the brother aren’t coming, so I think it’s right to tell him.

The new sister-in-law who doesn't come to her in-laws' house during the holidays that are arguing in the blind.

image text translation

(1)Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education/ili11ill1
(2)I’m also a sister-in-law with an older brother, but don’t make a fuss. Just think that there’s an American couple. If someone decided the basics, this is the basic condition for my step sister.
(3)Good, 54.
(4)Samil Accounting Corporation, Samdughaeil Bank Co., Ltd.
(5)One person who didn’t even learn the basics!
(6)Good, 21.
(7)It’s been hidden by a report.
(8)Industrial Bank of Korea ijijij
(9)Even for me as a woman, my step sister is too much;
(10)There’s a trend of less traffic these days.
(11)But it’s too much not to see you even during the holidays.
(12)Good. 8.
(13)iKON Clinical Research Korea KrdY26
(14)Since when has the basics actually been separated from the parents lol
(15)Good. 4.

The new sister-in-law who doesn't come to her in-laws' house during the holidays that are arguing in the blind.

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(1)GS Retail DVpc27
(2)The three of us shouldn’t enjoy the holiday atmosphere without you. Both of my thoughts are at fault, but you are bigger than my sister-in-law.
(3)Blame it.
(4)Good, 40.
(5)GM Korea (Korean wordplay)
(6)Get a hold of course.
(7)How hard would it be for you to be in the middle?
(8)Let’s force her to do it because she’s doing it like that.
(9)Good, three.
(10)Hanon System I01
(11)If you’re that tired, wouldn’t you come alone? lol
(12)Good, 11.
(13)Oh, you’re so immature. Won.
(14)It’s a funnier situation to go alone.
(15)My parents are more worried about what’s going on.
(16)Good. 4.
(17)Why do you think your brother is going to be taken away from you rather than thinking that you’re going to match me because your sister-in-law is doing it like that?;;; My brother can’t talk, baby.
(18)Good, 16.
(19)Hanon System
(20)That’s why it’s normal not to go to your wife’s house.
(21)Why on earth are you going with your wife? You’re just pong pong pong. 18 hours. Sounds good.
(22)Of course, it’d be nice if you took care of him, but he didn’t take care of his house.
(23)You should blame them. Why blame others?
(24)Good, 10.

The new sister-in-law who doesn't come to her in-laws' house during the holidays that are arguing in the blind.

image text translation

(1)But seriously, why should my step sister get cursed at?
(2)My wife doesn’t want to go -> Then I will go to see my family even if I can’t say that much. If your brother doesn’t say anything to your brother, I don’t understand logically that you cursed your step sister. Your brother is the one who is doing the wrong thing here.
(3)Good. 5.
(4)Seoul Metropolitan Office of Education Ii!!!!!!
(5)My brother, who used to take care of family events before marriage, suddenly changed after marriage because of the influence of my step sister. Even if my brother said not to go to his parents’ house during the holidays, if he had a concept, he would rather go to his in-laws. Both my brother and step sister should be cursed.
(6)Good. 8.
(7)Iga General Architect Office Arcar
(8)He’s the head of another family.
(9)Is it common sense to only go to your parents’ house and not to your in-laws during the holidays?
(10)No matter how much you say you get married and start a new family, it’s basic.
(11)There’s a reason. I should’ve wrapped it up.
(12)3 hours. Good. 6.


Don’t blame your brother who got gaslighted because he cursed at your step sister.


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