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I guess Choo Shin-soo doesn’t know about this case. (Laughs)


I guess Choo Shin-soo doesn't know about this case. (Laughs)

image text translation

(1)May 27, 2019 in Beomeo-dong, Suseong-gu, Daegu, helping her daughter go to school.
(2)There was a collision on my way home. Police conducted a breathalyzer test at the scene, indicating a license suspension level of 0065. Park Han-yi said that after finishing Game 60 of the season against the Kiwoom Heroes at Samsung Lions Park in Daegu on May 26, 2019, she returned home after drinking late dinner with her acquaintances after attending her children’s ice hockey exercise.
(3)Drunk driving is not acceptable for any reason. I decided to retire because there is no excuse. I will faithfully carry out any punishment, including disciplinary volunteer work. I’m sorry to the fans and the club.
(4)Park Han-yi immediately informed the club immediately after the accident, and after much consideration, he announced his retirement to take moral responsibility, which the club accepted. Director Kim Han-soo said, “I also heard the news on the phone in the morning of the day. I have nothing to say. It’s a sad reality, but he even decided to retire, but it’s burdensome for me to keep talking about it, and I’m sorry.” The walk-off hit video on May 26, 2019, posted on Lions TV, the Samsung Lions’ YouTube channel, was deleted and removed from the list on the club’s website.
(5)Apart from Park Han-yi’s retirement declaration, the KBO reward and punishment committee is expected to be held. According to the regulations, contact accidents with alcohol are expected to be about 180 hours of volunteer work with a 90-game suspension of 5 million won.
(6)Meanwhile, Park Han-yi lost a lot due to this one drunk driving incident. Park Han-yi has been considering Samsung as a one-club player who has only played for one Samsung team for 19 years, and he was loved by Samsung fans and wanted to stay with Samsung even though he refused to make a lot of money. Thanks to his outstanding performance, he was a legendary player enough to think about Samsung’s coach in the future, as well as a splendid retirement ceremony, but he ended up retiring in the most disgraceful way and leaving without any money or honor.6263
(7)Of course, it must have been Samsung fans who had to watch the long-loved player collapse in an instant. In a situation where the club is also embarrassed, Samsung also has a permanent mental breakdown → Park Han-yi, who was preparing for the leader, scenario went up in smoke 64
(8)After that, on May 31, 2019, KBO held a reward and punishment committee in the KBO conference room on the 31st to deliberate on Park Han-yi, who was caught drunk driving, and imposed a 90-game suspension and sanctions of 5 million won for 180 hours of volunteer work under Article 151 of the KBO Rules. Suspension of business is virtually meaningless as long as you have already announced your retirement.
(9)Later, according to eyewitness accounts, he covers his face with a hat and goes around with a dark impression when he goes out. I often exercise, but there was an elementary school right in front of the welfare center in Suseong-gu, so many elementary school students snooped around to see him or visit him for an autograph and asked where Park Han-yi was.
(10)Although Park Han retired, he completed 180 hours of volunteer work by faithfully carrying out the disciplinary action. ☞ See you here, and even if you announced your retirement during the season, you were still on the registered player list on paper and retired due to voluntary withdrawal after the season, so the suspension was virtually filled.65
(11)After about a year and a half, he returned to coaching the Samsung Lions on November 23, 2020.If he played for another year in his career, he was 41 years old in 20 seasons when he retired from playing for 20 years.

Park Han’s drunk driving case.

Had a drink after winning the game with a walk-off hit the previous day.

A drunk contact accident occurred while sending his child to school instead of his wife in the morning.

Immediately notify the club and retire

In other words, I got caught in an accident the morning after drinking 0065.

Choo Shin-soo was drunk driving at 0201 while driving under the influence of alcohol.

The reason he drank was because of his slump.

At the time, more than people who cursed at the time,

There were more sympathy votes because it was an accident while leading your tired body to school.

But Choo Shin-soo only takes care of players.

But I don’t know how they feel about the fans who make money for the players.

Oh, did professional baseball lose its touch because the parent company gives a lot of money even if the club is in the red?

I guess you don’t need fans and national sentiment.

A player who drove under the influence of alcohol refused to transfer to the national university after being exempted from military service to earn his own money.

Being able to run right now is a huge benefit.

It’s not the Olympics, but the Asian Games. I was exempted from military service.

At that time, he came out while fighting with the club, but after that, he refused to be transferred because it was during the FA period lol.

A student who left a video of her suicide in the elevator.

The student’s parents were teachers at the time.

It is school violence that cannot be prevented even if parents are teachers.

So with the mind that society is keeping an eye on you, reacting loudly, and cutting off the buds,

You’re not being tolerant of school violence.

Choo Shin-soo told his children not to forget that they are Korean on the show.

You didn’t know the atmosphere of Korea at all.

Anyway, the controversy over Ahn Woo-jin’s National University loan will no longer be mentioned.

In the end, Choo Shin-soo’s remarks to help Ahn Woo-jin

Ahn Woo-jin’s school violence has become more known to the world, and it has become a problem even if he can’t get close to the national university and enter the MV.


Choo Shin-soo blocked Ahn Woo-jin’s path, which was a little open.

Learn from Park Han.

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