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German youth teaching the importance of studying history


German youth teaching the importance of studying history

image text translation

(1)Based on the video date,
(2)What day is it?
(3)August 15th
(4)It’s National Liberation Day.
(5)Looking back on Korean history,
(6)It’s a very important day.
(7)So I came to a special place.
(8)Seodaemun Prison History Museum
(9)Today’s content.
(10)Wonseodaemun Prison History Museum Tour
(11)It’s too narrow to go in here.
(12)From the moment you came in,
(13)It feels like I’m going to jail.
(14)There was a sudden situation and the video was interrupted.
(15)When you come to a place like this for a shoot,
(16)I need to get permission.
(17)I actually knew it.
(18)But there are rules here.
(19)You have to pay.
(20)Seodaemun Prison Historical Museum
(21)Cultural Films and Other Filming
(22)300000 won within 2 hours
(23)Including Internet broadcasting such as YouTube.
(24)To make money.
(25)I’m not doing it with that in mind.
(26)You’re just doing it to keep this facility alive.
(27)But I think it’s too…
(28)It’s so cheap!
(29)To Korean young people in their 20s,
(30)This heartbreaking history…
(31)As a YouTube insider,
(32)I wanted to let you know.
(33)300 thousand won
(34)I just paid!
(35)with one’s own money
(36)We only have 2 hours.
(37)Let’s enjoy the show.
(38)- Eighty Years Toward Peace
(39)Eighty Years Toward Freedom and Peace
(40)Eighty Years Toward U and Peace
(41)A lot of people don’t know.
(42)80 years to go.
(43)Not only during the Japanese colonial period,
(44)During the pro-democracy movement, I used it as a prison.
(45)In the case of Germany,
(46)We invade other countries.
(47)I gave pain to people from other countries.
(48)In Korea, it’s the opposite. We were invaded a lot. Especially in Japan, but it’s not like we’re trying not to forget our history.
(49)I’m doing it.
(50)Yes, that’s him.
(51)They don’t have a future.
(52)A nation that forgets its past has no future.
(53)What Florian saw was torture.
(54)If we get small scratches on our fingers,
(55)It’s where I put on a band.
(56)Look at this.
(57)Can we stand this?
(58)for hours and days
(59)Until I lose my mind in the same way.
(60)He would have been tortured like this.
(61)Don’t forget everything.
(62)That’s why I’m studying history.han
(63)box torture
(64)You have to cut the pine mushrooms off the bottom and get trapped inside.
(66)box green
(67)Anyone can go online,
(68)You can get the right information.
(69)That’s why all Japanese people are bad. Basically, they’re not common-sense apostles, but they’re people.
(71)Box Group
(72)You can come here.
(73)Oh, I’m angry. Sorry.
(74)When I see things like this,
(75)How much do we…
(76)I need to be thankful if I’m doing it every day.
(77)every day
(78)It’s his sacrifice.
(79)a closet adviser
(80)a closet adviser
(81)I took courage and went in.
(82)incredible torture
(83)Maybe we won’t lock him up.
(84)Oh, my.
(85)We all need to be trapped here.
(86)He didn’t apologize.
(87)No, I can endure it even if I hit it for a day.
(88)We must never forget the torture that happened in the past.
(89)I’ve seen dark solitary confinement, and I’ve seen how to survive.
(90)He’s wearing it.
(91)It’s a bulkhead.
(92)It’s a place where I work out.
(93)The view above the bulkhead.
(94)When you look up, it looks like a fan.
(95)There’s a wall.
(96)I’m doing it to keep an eye on them.
(97)When I came here once,
(98)There was a bullet in it!
(99)It was also a death warrant.
(100)the Chinese people of the same period
(101)It’s a wailing tree.
(102)The independence activists are…
(103)Lastly, I’ll hold on to Buyeo-mu.
(104)I would have said, “Hooray for Korea.”
(105)before the death penalty
(106)For those who watched this video,
(107)Please come to Seodaemun Prison.
(108)Hantehi, a young man in his 20s, is special.
(109)I hope you can come.
(110)We must never forget that sacrifice.
(112)You’re gonna be like the people in the next country.
(113)You don’t want to be like that.
(114)Once again, to the independence activists,
(115)Thank you.
(116)Thank you. I’ll never forget that.


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