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Top 100 Best Books Voted by the American Reading Community


Top 100 Best Books Voted by the American Reading Community

1 Moby Dick – Herman Melville

2 Brothers of Karamazov – Fyodor Dostoevsky

3 Ulysses – James Joyce

4 Infinite Jest – David Foster Wallace

5 Lolita – Vladimir Nabokov

6 Sin and Punishment – Fyodor Dostoevsky

7 The Rainbow of Gravity – Thomas Pinchen

8 Don Quixote – Miguel de Cervantes

9 Bloody meridian – Cormac McCarthy

10 Stoner – John Williams

11 The Bible – God

12 Strangers – Albert Camus

13 Litigation – Franz Kafka

14 New Songs – Dante Aligieri

15 Fictions – Jorge Luis Borges

16 Anna Karenina – Ref Tolstoy

17 War and Peace – Lev Tolstoy

18 hundred years of solitude – Gabriel Garcia Marquez

19 Dubliners – James Joyce

20 Odysseia – Homer

21 1984 – George Orwell

22 Finding Lost Time – Marcel Proust

23 Hamlet – William Shakespeare

24 Ilias – Homer

25 Handwriting from Underground – Fyodor Dostoevsky

26 Catch-22 – Joseph Heller

272666 – Roberto Bolla뇨o

28 The Recognitions – William Gadith

29 The Book of The New Sun – 진 울프

30 Sound and Fury – William Faulkner

31 V – Thomas Pinchen

32 Journey to the Night Chisel – Louis-Ferdinand Celine

33 Catcher in the Rye – J.D. Salinger

34 Portrait of a Young Artist – James Joyce

35 Books of Anxiety – Fernandu Pesoa

36 Faust – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

37 Transformation – Franz Kafka

38 Siddhartha – Hermann Hesse

39 Master and Margarita – Mikhail Bulgakov

40 The Lord of the Rings – JR R Tolkien

41 Portrait of Dorian Gray – Oscar Wilde

42 Mason Dixon – Thomas Pincheon

43 Backch – Fyodor Dostoevsky

44 Collusion of fools – John Kennedy Tool

45 Pale Flame – Vladimir Nabokov

46th Slaughterhouse – Kurt Bonnie’s

47 Great New World – Alders Huxley

48 Human Disqualification – Osamu Dazai

49 Paradise Lost – John Milton

50 Les Misérables – Victor Hugo

51 East of Eden – John Steinbeck

52 Wild Detectives – Roberto Bola?

53 Charatustra said – Friedrich Nietzsche

54 Count Montecristo – Alexandre Dumas

55 The Great Gatsby – F Scott Fitzgerald

56 Meditations – Marcus Aurelius

57 Hunger – Knut Hamsoon

58 Nights of Finnegan – James Joyce

59 Dark abyss – Joseph Conrad

Sixty Mountains – Thomas Bay

61 Mrs. Bovary – Gustave Flaubert

62 Auction of Item 49 – Thomas Pinchen

63 Waves – Virginia Woolf

64 Invisible Cities – Italo Calvino

65 American Psycho – Brett Easton Ellis

66 The Sun Rises Again – Ernest Hemingway

67 Dune – Frank Herbert

68 To Lighthouse – Virginia Woolf

69 Grapes of Wrath – John Steinbeck

70 Dead Soul – Nikolai Gogol

71 Naked Lunch – William S Burros

72 Novel Trilogy – Samuel Beckett

73 White Noise – Don Drill

74 Absalom Absalom! – William Faulkner

75 The Old Man and the Sea – Ernest Hemingway

76 Hobbit – JR R Tolkien

77 Man Without Characteristics – Robert Muzil

78 Gentleman Tristrum Shandy’s Life and Thoughts – Lawrence Stern

79 JR – William Gaddis

80 When I Lie Down and Die – William Faulkner

81 Erie of the Wilderness – Hermann Hesse

82 Alice in Wonderland – Lewis Carroll

83 Name of the Rose – Umberto Echo

84 Theory of State – Plato

85 Confession Book – Augustine

86 Heights of the Storm – Emily Bronte

87 One winter night a traveler – Talero Calvino

88 The Pale King – David Foster Wallace

89 The Tunnel – William H. Gath

90 Hero of Our Time – Mikhail Lermontov

91 Inease – Bergilius

92 Clockwork Orange – Anthony Burgess

93 Kafka on the Beach – Haruki Murakami

94 Vomiting – Jean-Paul Sartre

95 King Lear – William Shakespeare

96 Beyond Good and Evil – Friedrich Nietzsche

97 elementary particles – Michelle Uelbec

98 Candide – Voltaire

99 Jerusalem – Alan Moore

100 Harry Potter – JK Rowling


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