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What was this scene from “Parasite”?jpg


What was this scene from "Parasite"?jpg

What was this scene from "Parasite"?jpgWhat was this scene from "Parasite"?jpgWhat was this scene from "Parasite"?jpgWhat was this scene from "Parasite"?jpgWhat was this scene from "Parasite"?jpgWhat was this scene from "Parasite"?jpgWhat was this scene from "Parasite"?jpgWhat was this scene from "Parasite"?jpgWhat was this scene from "Parasite"?jpgWhat was this scene from "Parasite"?jpgWhat was this scene from "Parasite"?jpgWhat was this scene from "Parasite"?jpgWhat was this scene from "Parasite"?jpgWe were talking in a small space.

At the end, Song Kang-ho looked at Jo Yeo-jung’s chest and smiled insidiously.

It’s not a normal handshake.

Jo Yeojung looked surprised when I held her hand.

But after that, there was nothing in particularly have anything.

Why did we include this scene?

It’s when you gently stick together and hold hands.

When I saw this at the movie theater, I remember some old ladies next to me saying that there was something.

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