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a woman who has just been married to a laborer


a woman who has just been married to a laborer

image text translation

(1)d Father’s Life Turnaround
(2)from a young age, dyslexia.
(3)I couldn’t read and write letters.
(4)Ah, the labor board of dreams…
(5)the reversal of my father’s life
(6)I couldn’t read or write.
(7)A hard worker to dance to turns his father’s life around.
(8)barely graduated from middle school
(9)I started working at the age of 17.
(10)Ah, Chinese Noh Donghun.
(11)I think I’m almost at the bottom of my life.
(12)Maybe the same sentence.
(13)a low life
(14)An opportunity for Roh Tae Kwon.
(15)an old mother in the Middle East
(16)My father’s life turned upside down.
(17)수 Number of specials
(18)I met a rich girl.
(19)a reversal of the life of a junior high school graduate’s father
(20)fierce opposition from one’s parents
(21)labor in the middle of life
(22)Taekwon doesn’t have a decent job.
(23)He is an unlearned fool.
(24)a hard worker
(25)My precious daughter.
(26)be no match for a daughter-in-law
(27)Children’s Gate of Middle School
(28)Oh, my father’s life turned upside down.
(29)Parents who are against it.
(30)a convincing wife
(31)Golden Father’s Life Turnaround
(32)I bought an apartment.
(33)I have a job that I work for.
(34)Chungju Labor Corporation
(35)under the care of Roh Tae-kwon
(36)I’ll do my best to persuade you.
(37)Oh, the Middle East Gate.
(38)wife’s help
(39)Starts supply construction work for apartment construction companies
(40)Mano, a little bit.
(41)the bankruptcy of the company squandered one’s fortune
(42)Heed and Jungjong Barrow Gate
(43)out of debt
(44)He even had to go to jail.
(45)My son’s…
(46)You may leave me alone.
(47)Zummano East Gate
(48)The fare is a reversal of my father’s life.
(49)Mother, how can you betray Ziabi for money?
(50)I won’t leave.
(51)Ah, a worker at Jungjong University.
(52)a life-changing father
(53)a wife who paid off her debts with sediment.
(54)a woman’s labor
(55)My father’s life turned upside down the road
(56)Delivery of briquettes by handcart.
(57)sublime labor luck
(58)It’s my first time.
(59)a hard-working wife
(61)Lunar New Year special o
(62)Your own future.
(63)Aren’t you curious?
(64)Start convincing your wife that she should dream about the future.
(65)a Chungju worker
(67)What are you curious about? I have to pull my handcart tomorrow.
(68)an old woman
(69)Have a dream.It’s too late to dream.
(70)a labor-l
(71)You can’t change the past, but it’s the whole thing.
(72)Lorae is a beauty.
(73)Can be changed
(75)Seyo, the lower ball.
(76)No matter what I do, I’ll follow you.
(78)I’ll take care of you.
(79)a hard worker
(80)in the twist of one’s wife
(81)middle school graduate work
(82)life’s reversal
(83)Start studying to turn your life around.
(84)Munmak, old brother, Jungjong.
(85)I’ll take care of my husband who’s studying.
(86)a wife who has worked for more than 20 years
(87)11am~1am after work
(88)The wife who taught singing until 5 a.m.
(89)The wife finished working at the restaurant at 1 a.m. and taught her husband until 5 a.m.
(90)Oh, race horse Dongwon.
(91)For her dyslexic husband.
(92)Make it easier to read by translating it into big letters.
(93)My father’s life turned upside down.
(94)The man who lives also uses them as a diet.
(95)What’s going on is the painter’s pancake.
(97)in the face of rough
(98)Coatings to prevent it from breaking.
(99)a regular worker
(100)Now, my father’s life is turned around.
(101)cross-strait preparation
(104)a power generation bridge
(106)Tactical Tactics Using Local and Geography: Neutral between the Imperial Household Register and the Japanese Culture’s Landship
(107)Namhaesang Minsu, a successive victory of an active player at the level of an active field in a rural area.
(108)The Immaculate Conception and the Luminance of the Fatherhood of the Sick Regime
(109)of the Japanese.
(110)The Joseon Dynasty’s policy was raised to make a change.
(111)In Japan
(112)The main argument for the demand for dialogue and the poet who suffered from the January mark for six to seven years of political relations.
(113)423 King Gwanghaegun’s neutral diplomacy and the abolition of the human race –
(114)10 The transferred number of characters regime’s 1,000 dividend policy – Whoo.
(115)Woon, dance.
(116)a wife whose fingers are bent because her husband is making something to study.
(117)a junior high school graduate
(118)Wife’s Love Note
(119)This study while working.
(120)It’s a collision. It’s a labor gate.
(121)in English textbooks
(122)The wife who recorded everything.
(123)The wife recorded all the contents of the English textbook for the husband to study in her own voice.
(124)Order of the Horse Labor
(125)It’s the Seoul Special.
(126)an enormous amount
(127)a thousand two-hour tapes
(128)Coming Amain
(129)I work at a gas station at night.
(130)With a long earphone string,
(131)I’ll connect you to a study phone.
(132)a hard worker
(133)3 price range MBN
(134)That’s how it started like this.
(135)The reversal of my father’s life
(136)Seven times in a row.
(137)2006 Mock Test Score for all subjects!
(138)ten thousand
(139)the reversal of one’s father’s life with
(140)a middle-aged worker with dyslexia
(141)dream of becoming an international lawyer
(143)It has 7 million won.
(144)Show me your savings and bankbook.
(145)a heavy laborer
(146)Because I lose.
(147)a wife who encouraged her to study in the United States
(148)a labor movement for birth and death
(149)to young people
(151)Please be.
(152)In the fall of 2006, when I was preparing to leave the U.S.
(153)Son of a child with game addiction becomes a scholarship student at a prestigious university.
(154)addicted to games
(155)The son who has a problem with game addiction has more strength than an English major scholarship student.
(156)Two sons who ignored their father.
(157)Problem and Addiction Somnia Game for Son
(158)- get a scholarship to a prestigious university
(159)Instead of carnations for Parents’ Day,
(160)a letter
(161)Game Addiction Moon Aze Son Ashi
(162)get a scholarship to a prestigious university
(163)● Special episode.
(164)Parents day
(165)My dad…
(166)He’s an ignorant little laborer.
(167)She’s a game addict. She’s got a son.
(168)He’s a scholarship student.
(169)It’s my fault.That’s…
(170)He blames his wife for not taking good care of her children.
(171)My son is addicted to games.
(172)get a scholarship to a prestigious university
(173)Go to the country.
(174)get a scholarship to a prestigious university
(175)I hope you relieve the sadness that you didn’t learn.
(176)Spread your dreams to your heart’s content.
(177)a baby
(178)d become a scholarship student at a prestigious university
(179)Even if you don’t come back,
(180)I won’t. I’m sorry.
(182)With a wife like that,
(183)I couldn’t leave.
(184)flax stone
(185)get a scholarship to a prestigious university
(186)Every day after graduating from middle school.
(187)The two sons who lived there.
(188)In the end, I was worried about my big brother, who was addicted to games, and at that time, I decided to teach my two sons to study without my husband going to America.
(189)Everyone was stupid and apologized to their parents.
(191)a labor gate
(192)The reverse calculation of the golden father’s life.
(193)There’s a woman behind every successful man.
(194)Nia Junior High School Labor Luck
(195)On the letters I wrote all night long,
(196)When your fingers are up,
(197)Do you know Chinese labor literature?
(198)a translation of characters
(199)I’m worried about your health.
(200)a Sia junior high school worker
(201)Yes, it’s okay.
(202)The Golden Father’s Life Turnaround
(203)a curved finger that shows signs of suffering
(204)child labor
(205)one’s father’s son
(206)Where did you find your husband’s hope?
(207)Cania running for office
(208)This man is a successful.
(209)Choi Won-sook, who discovered her husband’s potential.
(210)at that time
(211)a husband who failed to express his values
(212)the luck of junior high school graduation
(213)If you polish it well,
(214)I decided to get married believing that I would contribute to society in the future.
(215)with a grain of salt
(216)I understand Choi Won-sook who worked hard at a restaurant.
(217)Stop it, heavy labourers.
(218)I finished at 1am and taught until 5am.
(219)junior high school work
(220)Have you ever wanted to give up?
(221)There were times when I wanted to give up.
(222)a hard worker in Chungju
(223)The importance of family and husband’s presence.
(224)I felt it desperately. Choi Wonsook.
(225)My father’s life turned upside down.
(226)studying hard and working hard.
(227)aware of the difficulties of one’s life
(228)a wife who tried to ease her husband’s burden
(229)a no-no to dance for
(230)The fare is the reverse calculation of my father’s life.
(231)Must be an angel from heaven!
(232)Good husband, good wife = Someone who supports, encourages, and helps each other’s dreams.


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