image text translation
(1)The Koreans don’t have a shield.
(2)They’re cowards who can’t get out of the house.
(3)the first battalion of the vanguard
(4)shock and fear
(1)Maneuver gunfire!image text translation
(2)Let’s go on!
(3)a great sense of honor
(4)You’re going to go…
(6)I can’t see it!
(7)The tram is running in Manchuria!
(1)Waterimage text translation
(2)To the blue one!
(3)Always on this earth.
(4)Get a hold of yourself.
(5)We’re united. The warrior of strength, blood and sweat!
(6)Don’t be prepared!
(7)Our army, which has gone to stop the barbarians, is driving out the enemy and expanding its territory.
(8)I’ve never tasted it before.
(9)Stop with the taste of imperialism.
(10)I’m adjusting…
(11)The ministers who fainted…
(12)It’s coming up one after another!
(1)Don’t be prepared!image text translation
(2)Ambassador Hussar is calling for an interview.
(3)I like the Joseon PANZER jade performance.
(4)We want to release the Hussar Pan Jeook in bulk immediately.
(5)Wow, the taste of soup is amazing.
(6)Get off the shotta at Gyeongbokgung Palace!
(7)Joomo! What I always ate.
(8)Bring it to me!
But it’s not bad.