The reason why Jung shouldn’t watch Netflix.jpg

The reason why Jung shouldn't watch Netflix.jpg

image text translation

(1)Visitor Netizen
(2)With spoilers
(3)I thought it was okay when I saw the opening.
(4)I can’t watch it even if I want to.
(5)widex 202301202340 report
(6)Kang Soo-yeon was sold out for her robot acting with no facial expressions.
(7)Kell 202301202339 Report
(8)I watched it until the end, reminiscing about Kang Sooyeon. It’s boring. What’s the reason? I don’t think I can keep up with the trend of the times. Don’t be trapped in the past. Report Vllbb 202301202339 to the present or the future.
(9)The downside is that it’s full, but there’s no advantage.
(10)Puno 20230120238 Report
(11)It’s time to think deeply about humanity and motherhood.
(12)I was able to do that.
(13)vobe 202301202338 Report
(14)I’m sleepy, but I’m not sure if I should turn it off.
(15)sell 202301202337 Report
(16)I’m glad I’m not the only one who feels this way.Netflix
(17)Felix is looking forward to his recent Korean work, but it’s embarrassing.
(18)tnak 20230120 2337 Report
(19)I think it’s the best I’ve ever imagined.
(20)Everything about robots is becoming a reality now.
(21)The reality of SF that I dreamed of in my life…
(22)evae 20230120 2337 Report
(23)All the movies directed by Yeon Sang-ho were not good, but this is even worse.
(24)wooc 20230120235 Report
(25)It’s just the thing that makes it seem plausible.
(26)REN’s movie. It’s beyond the student’s practice room.
(27)I feel like I’m aiming.
(28)bloo 20230120235 Report

The reason why Jung shouldn't watch Netflix.jpg

image text translation

(1)Escape from man.
(2)ONLYONHETFLIX will be released on January 20th.

a failure of ratings

I just skip it.

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