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Six people were killed by cutting their necks on a kite string at the kite flying festival.


Six people were killed by cutting their necks on a kite string at the kite flying festival.

image text translation

(1)A total of six citizens were strangled to death at the Uttarayan festival in Gujarat, India, the British Daily Mail said on the 18th, of which three were children under the age of eight.
(2)The Daily Mail reported that Kismarck 3 and Burmese 7 each died of a stranglehold while walking somewhere with their parents, and Kirti 7 cut her throat while riding a scooter with her father. In addition to the children, three adult deaths, known as Swamiji Yadav35 Narendra Bagella20 Ashwin Gadabi, were also reported.V and Bagella were reportedly traveling through the city on scooters at the time of the accident.
(3)The Uttarayan festival across western Gujarat province is severely damaged by kites with metal and glass powder attached to the production to win the annual kite fight. Indian police said a total of 200 casualties occurred during this year’s festival.
(4)Summary of article content
(5)glazed with metal for kite fighting
(6)Directed neck bear.
(7)Three of the six victims were under the age of eight.
(8)Indian police casualties total 200
(9)Tell them everything.


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