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Lee Yeonbok held back because he thought he’d hear an oldie.


Lee Yeonbok held back because he thought he'd hear an oldie.

image text translation

(1)15 years old
(2)A radio star.
(3)the main broadcast
(4)Ahn Jung Hwan X Lee Young Pyo
(5)Living with a natural person 2oo
(6)There are a lot of words that I hold back because I’m afraid of hearing old people.
(7)A radio star.
(8)Ahn Jung Hwan X Lee Young Pyo, a natural person,
(9)The most popular buzzword for old people.
(10)When I was young!
(11)Monday night, 930.
(12)When I see you having a hard time easily,
(13)I was like this when I was young.
(14)An experience that I want to tell you every time I draw it.
(15)Andio Star
(16)Tree delivery hall
(17)Thank God! Monday night, 930.
(18)● the main broadcast
(19)Monday night, 930 oo
(20)If you have a fight…
(21)a wooden delivery bin that can only be found in museums
(22)Source BS Tour
(23)Handmade by carpenters
(24)Star of Andia
(25)Ahn Jung Hwan.
(26)nature and nature
(27)At the time, motorcycles…
(28)What motorcycle?
(29)There was no bike!
(30)OfLR Water God’s Eyes 20
(32)I had a bike.
(33)Old Jim Bike!
(34)Monday night 930
(35)What’s up with the model year?
(36)Black-and-white data. Iron bicycle.
(37)I know how expensive it was.
(38)I rode my bike and went out.
(39)If you lose it,
(40)Radio News Re①
(41)Ahn Jung-hwan and Lee Young-pyo
(42)Ahn Jung Hwan X Lee Young Pyo
(43)to live with a natural person
(44)Most of the streets are delivered by running.
(45)a natural person and a partner
(46)The elevator, too.
(47)I don’t.
(48)It’s common.
(49)Listen to the wooden medal box and go up and down the stairs.
(50)When we didn’t even have disposable items.
(51)without a lid
(52)Without rap.
(53)There was no law.
(54)Carder and Sra
(55)Need skills to carry around
(56)like a pendulum on a clock
(57)Investigation Exercise Tree Delivery Beans
(59)After that, I’ve improved a little bit.
(60)live with a natural person
(61)Noodles soup.
(62)Delivery to Paroma
(63)When you arrive at the destination,
(64)The soup is Yeojoo.
(65)Plastic wrap is a revolution!
(66)If the workers hear this,
(67)It’s refreshing to talk about it here!


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