Haechuk Gala Explains Park Ji-sung

Haechuk Gala Explains Park Ji-sung

image text translation

(2)With good defense balance, good connection, good off-the-ball, and good dribbling, it’s natural to use a winger at Manchester United. He was a defender who didn’t return his nickname when he was a left fullback Evra Foam Narak. But he still has the top attack power as a classic winger, but he can’t hit Ronaldo or Nani, who can’s 0 point of defense intelligence.
(3)It’s something only coaches do, and no matter how much of a caricature it is, Manchester United’s characteristics makes it difficult to fight in the midfield.
(4)I’m putting Park Ji-sung as a winger because there’s no shortage in the attack development process while covering it. How come there’s no one here who’s seen soccer properly?
(5)In the first place, Ferguson’s base is 4-4-2 and he sometimes takes out 4-3-3 when he faces a strong midfield team like Chelsea.
(6)It was at the level of 4-4-2 base, so using Park Ji-sung as Central America is a ridiculous composition of players in the team squad. Scholes, the core of Manchester United, is in the process of developing the best-balanced caric attack on both offense and defense in the Middle America.
(7)If you don’t change the balance unless you change the formation itself, but if you put Park Ji-sung in the middle of the side, you can create a variable in either attack or defense depending on the flow of the game, so Ronaldo-Nanigix could rest in a two-way match and play mainly in a strong team match. Of course, the main cause of the machine’s appearance was glass body, but they can’t understand.


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