image text translation
(1)Medical treatment when doctors and bail are released on suspicion of sex crimes.
(2)Treatment on a single bail permit.
(3)Arrested on charges of similar rape, etc. of patients at the head of the representative office
(4)Busan MBC
(5)Propofol is administered to patients who have completed surgery.
(6)MBC in Busan.
(7)I woke up earlier than expected and was found guilty.
(9)Kakaotalk ID MBC report.
(10)He was released on bail last month and is undergoing medical treatment.
(11)Comprehensive women’s examination of all ages
(12)◆ Mammothom Clinic for Breast Examination MBC
(13)◆ a thyroid examination
(14)a women’s disease clinic
(15)◆ an incontinence clinic
(16)◆ a gonorrhea clinic
(17)◆ an unmarried women’s clinic
(18)◆ a contraceptive clinic
(19)◆ Nutritional Water Clinic
(20)a pregnancy clinic
(21)◆ a vaccination clinic
(22)a medical clinic
(23)a hospital official
(24)Yes, you can come. It’s been suspended for a while. Not for now.
(25)Similar rape and forced harassment after reanesthesia after surgery.
(26)Currently operating normally
(27)The area is Busan.
(28)At the time of the incident, a nurse or a closed circuit in the hospital room where B was located.
(29)Mr. A’s crime was almost buried because CCTV was not installed.
(30)But Mr. B woke up earlier than expected from the anesthesia, Mr. A.
(31)somebody’s crime was discovered.
(32)Mr. B immediately reported the forced harassment to the police, but Mr. A.
(33)Because he denied committing a crime, the police asked him to investigate.
(34)but A’s DNA from the patient’s body
(35)Detected and arrested seven months after the incident.
(36)A letter has been issued.
Source-Source Mixed Martial Arts Original View Writer Romanson2
Is he doing his best now?
There is a rumor that the area is 00 is good. Please refer to it.;;;;;