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The reason why it was difficult to raise 100 million won without help until the age of 30 JPG.


The reason why it was difficult to raise 100 million won without help until the age of 30 JPG.

image text translation

(1)2. Live at your parents’ house. 3. Live at E-rim.
(2)If you want to raise 100 million won before you turn 30,
(3)3. Living independently
(4)I’ve been discharged from the military and graduated from college for 4 years.
(5)2. Living at your parents’ house. – Living with a burp. 3. Burping.
(6)a four-year college =
(7)If you join a large company right away,
(8)2 Living in my parents’ house and my own car
(9)Four-year-old university discharged from the military = Employment as early as 27 years old
(10)Even a 26-year-old can do it with a small probability.
(11)The fastest one is 27 years old. That’s right.
(12)2. Live at your parents’ house 3. Live with a burp.
(13)If you want to collect 100 million in 3 years, the answer is already set.
(14)2 Living in your parents’ house – Living independently 3 on your own
(15)2.8 million won per month 36 months = 100 million won
(16)You can save 2.8 million won every month. That’s right.
(17)1 Living in my parents’ house 2 Living in my parents’ house 3 Living independently
(18)I live with my parents and got a job at the age of 27.
(19)Living in my parents’ house 2 Living in my parents’ house 3 Living independently
(20)Expenditure = 1 meal, food, and transportation expenses
(21)The money that goes out is the cost of commuting by public transportation.
(22)Expenditure = 1 meal, food, and transportation expenses
(23)I’ll calculate the cost of food and lunch.
(24)Living in my parents’ house 2 Living in my parents’ house 3 Living independently
(25)7,000 won for food and transportation – 10,000 won
(26)Then 7,000 won, 3,000 won is 10,000 won.
(27)Living in my parents’ house
(28)20 working days for 10,000 won
(29)Monthly expenses~ 200,000 won
(30)10,000 won x 200,000 won for 20 days.
(31)Essential savings cost 2.8 million won monthly expenditure 200,000 won
(32)Then I have to save 2.8 million won.
(33)Essential savings cost 2.8 million won monthly expenditure 200,000 won
(34)Monthly lost income – 3 million won required
(35)If the monthly salary is 3 million won, I need it.
(36)1 Living in my parents’ house 2 Living in my parents’ house
(37)How much do you have to pay to get 3 million won?
(38)2 Living in my parents’ house
(39)3 million won in lost monthly income
(40)= an annual salary of 42 million won
(41)Search for the actual amount of receipts by annual salary.
(42)▼ If you earn 42 million won a year, you will receive 3 million won a month.
(43)2 Living in my parents’ house
(44)Actual monthly income
(45)Color it. So, this is the real amount of money received by each salary.
(46)It’s a break.
(47)3 million won.
(48)= an annual salary of 42 million won
(49)Search for mistakes by salary.The amount of age…
(50)If you want to collect 100 million won in 3 years, you need to get 3 million won.B
(51)2936 car taxes per year = 430,000 won per month = 100,000 won per month, 580,000 won per month
(52)an insurance fee
(53)200,000 won a week.
(54)Then monthly payment, car tax, insurance, gas fee.
(55)2 Living in my parents’ house 3 Living independently
(56)20 million won for 20 sols per month maintenance cost = 92300-923,000 won or less
(57)0 won.
(58)Please come out.
(59)It costs 923,000 won just for the car.
(60)Essential savings cost 2.8 million won and monthly expenditure 1.06 million won
(61)Monthly income = 3.86 million won, monthly salary is 330,000 won.
(62)It should be 1086.
(63)Actual monthly income of 3.86 million won and 55 million won
(64)Bong =
(65)It’s only possible if your annual salary is 55 million won.
(66)Let’s live in my parents’ house.
(67)For example, I’ll calculate when I’m independent.
(68)2 Living in my parents’ house 3 Living independently
(69)2 meals, food, and transportation expenses 3 so 77,000 won, and 10,000 won.
(70)One room is zero per month. I’m going to pay for it.
(71)four thousand
(73)Two meals, transportation, one-room monthly rent management, and no car. 30 days.
(74)Living in your mother’s house.
(75)= Two meals, transportation, 30 days, one-room monthly rent management.
(76)I’ll calculate 300 won for the king’s transportation suit.
(77)Based on 510,000 won in one room in Seoul, the tax management cost was set at 100,000 won, followed by the water and electricity tax management cost at 100,000 won on average.
(78)I’ll skip breakfast.
(79)I paid for skipping breakfast.
(80)Meal costs 420,000 won, transportation 60,000 won, expenses 1.09 million won, expenses 610,000 won in one room.
(81)A month
(83)It’s going to be 0,000 won a month.
(84)2 Living in my parents’ house 3 Living independently
(85)Essential savings cost 2.8 million won Monthly actual receipt = 38.89 million won is requiredExpenditure 1.06 million won required 90,000 won
(86)3.89 million won of age
(87)0,000 won and 50 won.
(88)I need an annual salary of 5 million won to 55 million won.
(89)Actually, all three types are ridiculous.
(90)A high salary is required.
(91)I need to earn a lot of money.
(92)Minimize spending
(93)And you don’t have to spend money on it.
(94)Average starting salary of large companies KRW 40.8 million
(95)Excluding bonuses, the average starting salary of large companies was less than 41 million won.Tooth
(96)If personal expenses such as dating, congratulations,
(97)It could be your parents’ 60th birthday or something that costs money.
(98)If I had a student loan, I wouldn’t include paying off the loan because it’s too close to being able to get out.
(99)- We’re going to pay for our school expenses
(100)That’s right. Without that, too.
(101)If you start working in your early 20s, you can get 100 million won.
(102)I got a job right after graduating from high school.
(103)I saw that you kept writing 100 million and 200 million in the comments.
(104)Someone might be depressed. That’s right.
(105)You don’t have to be depressed when you read comments like that.
(106)You don’t have to think that you’re living the wrong life.
(107)That’s the purpose of this video.

High salary low or working from early 20s

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