Untipped Restaurant Prices in New York

Untipped Restaurant Prices in New York

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(1)I’m Ichiran from New York.

Untipped Restaurant Prices in New York

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(1)I waited for about an hour.

Untipped Restaurant Prices in New York

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(1)Eggs are 4,600 won.

Untipped Restaurant Prices in New York

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(1)You have to peel it yourself.

Untipped Restaurant Prices in New York

image text translation

(1)It comes out like this.

Untipped Restaurant Prices in New York

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(1)It tastes the same as Japan.

Untipped Restaurant Prices in New York

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(1)I can’t help but empty them all.

Untipped Restaurant Prices in New York

image text translation

(1)It’s a restaurant that doesn’t take tips.

Untipped Restaurant Prices in New York

image text translation

(1)It’s only about 45,000 won.
(2)thirty-two dollars


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