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(1)The battle between the two former presidents 10 years ago.
(2)Year 2007
(3)Isn’t there a possibility of state affairs manipulation by Pastor Choi Tae-min’s family? BBK, etc., the land of Updo Gok-dong, which should be carried for life over the Choi Tae-min issue.
(4)a captive gate
(5)DAS Real Estate Purchase Suspicion
(6)Subject to investigation for violation of positive law
(7)BBK Das Choi Soon-sil’s manipulation of state affairs
(8)Controversy over the actual owner is still under arrest in 2017.
(9)To pay for living expenses, Buddhist temple service is held 17 turns, 40s arrested, Incheon 1690
image text translation
(1)Time to establish a false career in stock price manipulation with no lies.