The story that almost killed me in the army because my body temperature went up to 40 degrees.

The story that almost killed me in the army because my body temperature went up to 40 degrees.

image text translation

(1)Ultra-Simple Summary
(2)When I was in my late years, I suddenly felt chills while I was sleeping.
(3)My fever got worse, so I took my temperature in the administration department and it was 385 degrees.
(4)Being taken to the brigade’s infirmary due to severe headaches and fever.
(5)He was there, he was sick, and it got worse all morning.
(6)I woke up the guy who was sleeping because I was so tired.
(7)”I’m really sorry to wake you up, but I think I’m going to die right now.”
(8)I asked him if he could help me.
(9)I was so surprised and said, “Oh, I got it”.
(10)To a medic.
(11)He was a private, and I asked him to take his temperature.
(12)He sighed and said, “I’m going to hear you.” But I held it in.
(13)”What’s the temperature?”
(14)403 degrees.”
(15)”Yes”. And the guy who helped me,
(16)I said, “Please sing this song for us”.
(17)He asked me why.
(18)I didn’t have the power to answer back, so I sat down there.

The story that almost killed me in the army because my body temperature went up to 40 degrees.

image text translation

(1)The fact that he’s the benefactor of life… He’s so angry.
(2)No, then your body temperature will go over 40 degrees. Go away, quick.
(3)Stay still. Are you crazy because you’re doing this?
(4)The medical soldier was so scared that he immediately reported it to the officer and was taken to the Armed Forces Hospital.
(5)I was so thankful. And I was taken to my ankle.
(6)He plugged in a syringe, pulled blood, and checked some level.
(7)The bacterial count is over 300 times higher. I don’t know what it is.
(8)Anyway, it was j-dancing.
(9)”Chae-on is over 40 degrees. How can you be so sober?”
(10)He just looked at me strangely because I said I held it in.
(11)Anyway, I was shaking for three weeks, then I was completely cured and discharged.
(12)If you look at that medical soldier now, you want to be punished.


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