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How to dispose of a body in space


How to dispose of a body in space

image text translation

(1)As of 2019,
(2)In fact, 18 people have lost their lives in the universe so far.
(3)Maybe if space travel is activated,
(4)The number of people dying in space will increase even more.
(5)So what is the biggest cause of death in the universe?
(6)And if a man dies in space, what will be the disposal of the body?
(7)There’s a risk of death in space.
(8)The highest level of action is…
(9)In fact, the number one cause of death chosen by scientists is spacewalk.
(10)If you go into space, there’s a possibility that the suit will be torn by very small meteorites.
(11)If that happens, the moisture and blood in the skin begin to evaporate rapidly in less than 10 seconds.
(12)Also, a sudden drop in pressure causes organs in our bodies to swell up.
(13)But the biggest reason people actually die is suffocation.
(14)Of course there’s no oxygen in the universe, so you’re going to lose consciousness because you can’t breathe.
(15)Nevertheless, you must not hold your breath.
(16)If you hold your breath, you’ll escape from the body and the pressure from the air your lungs won’t hurt.
(17)Your brain will be severely damaged.Crab
(18)Eventually, humans are very likely to lose consciousness in just 15 seconds, and if we don’t do anything about it, we eat.
(19)Within a minute or two, the country will be fast.
(20)an hour of rain
(21)How will it be handled?
(22)Actually, NASA doesn’t have any official guidelines for the disposal of bodies.
(23)However, the ISS says that training on this is sometimes done.
(24)an infectious substance
(25)First of all, a body from space is treated as an infectious substance.
(26)But the ISS doesn’t have any space to store the bodies.
(27)Eventually, store the body in the pressurized bag in silver, such as the garbage storage.
(28)It’s in a place where the temperature is low.
(29)Or use the temperature of the liquid nitrogen or itself.
(30)You can freeze the body and destroy it.
(31)This reduces the volume of the body, saving space for storage.
(32)In fact, this is one of the methods that NASA has proposed in the past.
(33)It’s a bit cruel, but I think it’s only in a limited space.Is it?
(34)an ill-conceived child for the most efficient method of finding
(35)Mainly, if a poem
(36)What will happen if I release him?
(37)Wouldn’t it be simpler if we released the body into space?
(38)But it’s not like we’re going to have a sieve on the body.
(39)If you just release it, it can cause a strange problem.
(40)It’s not about being far away from the new space that’s been released into space.
(41)There’s a good chance you’ll continue to follow.
(42)I’ll do it when the head is released.
(43)You’ll see a procession of dead people lined up behind the spaceship.
(44)And it’s not easy to deal with a body on a planet other than outer space.
(45)If possible, I have to put on makeup because of the bacteria on the earth that’s left in my body.For example, Hwaseong people’s porridge.
(46)Also, if your spacesuit is damaged on the surface of Mars and you die, you have to put on makeup.
(47)Because we can’t completely rule out the possibility of God being infected by a sense we don’t know.undependable
(48)You might think that it would be simpler if you just put it on the ground.
(49)But scientists are against it because it could affect Mars.
(50)any unforeseen
(51)Additional Description
(52)It’s based on an interview with ISS commander Chris Hadfield.Popscicom what-happens-to-your-body when-you-die-in-space is currently prohibited by law from dumping bodies into space.The laws of physics of the Earth are applied in space.The bodies that are abandoned into space will follow the spacecraft for a long time by inertia, and I’m sorry to confuse you with the images of the ISS used in the video, so I’d appreciate it if you could think of it as a main ship.a practical application


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