The secret of sparrows that we didn’t know.

The secret of sparrows that we didn't know.

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(6)Chae Hee-young, Ph.D. in Ornithology, National Park Research Institute,
Isn’t it a sparrow that you neglect too much and don’t know too much?
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(8)Chae Hee-young, Ph.D. in Ornithology, National Park Research Institute,
I don’t think I know much about sparrows.

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(10)A sparrow that you can easily see around us!
Music with a lively atmosphere
(11)○ So cute and O

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(13)It’s cute, right?
(14)It’s a bird as familiar as a pigeon.
(15)We found out the secrets of sparrows that we didn’t know.


(18)Coan Marcl
March 20 for World Sparrow Day

(19)Chae Hee-young, Bird Ecology

(20)Sparrows, unlike other wild animals,

(21)Dr. Sparrow

(22)It lives near a private house.
(23)Chae Hee Young, bird life

(24)Next to

(25)There’s a reason for everything.

(26)Sparrows are actually using people.

(27)Chae Hee-young’s bird ecology

(28)Doctor National Park
Wild Animals

(29)Chae Hee-young, Ph.D. in Ornithology, National Park Research Institute,
Hates to live near humans.

(30)Dr. Guk
But in the case of sparrows

(31)The lip product.
(32)Park researcher

(33)Dr. National Park Research Institute
I can’t live.

The secret of sparrows that we didn't know.
(0)Chae Hee-young, Ph.D. in Ornithology, National Park Research Institute
Human serves as a cover for sparrows’ natural enemies.

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(7)Chae Hee-young, Ph.D. in Ornithology, National Park Research Institute,
If you look around people, it’s very under the eaves.
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(14)In other words, the snake, the natural enemy of sparrows,
(15)Because animals like hawks are afraid of people

(16)A genius of reverse thinking b
Using people as a shield

(17)Some even say that sparrows don’t live.

(18)Chae Hee-young, Ph.D. in Ornithology, National Park Research Institute, has a lot of nesting places.
(19)Chae Hee-young, Ph.D. in avian ecology, National Park Research Institute

(20)It’s an agricultural land.
(21)A source of food for sparrows.
(22)Chae Hee-young, Ph.D. in Ornithology, National Park Research Institute,
Because such environments become very good

(23)Protects the natural enemy.
(24)It’s good to build a house.
(25)The food is getting plentiful.
(26)Sparrows help with farming.

(27)If people don’t live,

(28)In fact, the mountainous area of Nagano Prefecture in Japan is

(29)It used to be a place where many sparrows lived.
(30)When people don’t live

(31)It is said that the sparrow also disappeared.
(32)In fact, sparrows swarm around

(33)Because I peck at the grain.
(34)From the perspective of farmers, it’s like a rice thief.

(35)But when the sparrow is completely gone,

(36)It can be harder for farmers.
The secret of sparrows that we didn't know.
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(6)In 1958, Mao Tse-tung, then president of China

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(8)The sparrow that pecks at the ears of rice is said to be a harmful bird.

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(13)Then the pest increased rapidly, and the rice did not grow well.
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(16)As the number of pests eaten by sparrows increases,
music in a dark atmosphere

(17)It can cause a lot of damage to farming.

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(19)A typical case was in China.
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(21)It’s a strategy to wipe out the sparrow.

(22)Sparrow who lives closest to people
Cheerful Music

(23)Seeing that the rice harvest has decreased,

(24)I started a sparrow sweep.
(25)The number of sparrows that died like that, file

(26)It’s over 200 million.

(27)It’s the neighborhood of everyone on Earth.

(28)Eventually, I get a big famine.
(29)40 million people died.

(30)It was a tragedy that wouldn’t have happened.

(31)While playing an important role in the ecosystem,

(32)If you didn’t catch a sparrow

(33)It’s made afterwards. And hoo
(34)To the point where there is World Sparrow Day,

(35)It can be seen in most parts of the world.
(36)In addition,

(37)The crane
Chae Hee-young Bird Ecology

(38)Dr. Sparrow wants to say something.

(39)But he’s very vigilant.
(40)Because it doesn’t come near people.
(41)It’s a neighborhood that’s close but hard to reach.

(42)I’m on guard now

(43)Celebrating sparrow day to this precious neighbor
(44)Chae Hee-young, Bird Ecology



(47)the underground music
(48)National Park Research Institute

(49)Those days are gone.

(50)Dr. National Park Yeon
Relax and come next to humans

(52)Chae Hee-young Bird Ecology
Dr. National Park Institute
One Companion to Living

(54)Chae Hee-young, Dr. Bird Ecology, National Park Research Institute, I hope you become a student.


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