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I only said one word to my wife and child…Ahn Jung-geun’s Prison Life in Surprise


I only said one word to my wife and child...Ahn Jung-geun's Prison Life in Surprise

I only said one word to my wife and child...Ahn Jung-geun's Prison Life in Surprise
(0)Ahn Jung-geun’s determination was extremely stubborn… Even if I put a black-and-white picture of my wife and children, I didn’t even look at them once, and when asked, I slowly said, “Yes, you must be my wife and children.” When I met my two brothers and heard their mother’s resolution, no matter how strong he seemed to be,
I felt emotional for a moment, but soon he swallowed his emotions and didn’t make a weak sound

(1)Dr. Ahn’s prison life record was first released
January 1910 The Correctional Association magazine confirmed his face just before the death penalty
“Ahn Joong-geun is full of anger at the tip of his brush like a loud voice”
Ahn’s watchful guards are his mother’s son” I admire

(2)Ahn Jung-geun’s 1879-1910 Japanese historical data showing the confident appearance of his imprisonment in Lushun prison was newly released in a three-page document titled “An Jung-geun’s News,” published by the Japan Correctional Association’s Prison Association’s Journal on January 20, 1910. The doctor, who was on the verge of death, remained firm in front of a black-and-white family photo. You will be able to see Ahn Jung-geun’s appearance again.

I only said one word to my wife and child...Ahn Jung-geun's Prison Life in Surprise
(0)According to this data, “Ahn Joong-geun also had a lot of
Ogi at the end of the brush, just like
talking loudly with his mouth.” It is interpreted that Ahn’s spirit was so great that he looked at Ahn from a Japanese perspective. At that time, he was writing his autobiography “An Eung-chil History” and his unfinished work “The Theory of Peace in the East” in prison.It is said that about 200 pieces of remains were left, including the original copy of the military service,
Ahn’s life in prison has been well known through the History of An Eung-chil and the Japanese Foreign Ministry’s inspection of Itogong Manchuria, but the newly discovered data is believed to be another unknown to Ahn’s death.
Professor Kim Wol-bae of China’s Harbin Institute of Science and Technology, who has devoted himself to finding Ahn’s research remains, found the JAPA exhibit at the Ministry of Justice’s Law Library in Tokyo in 2018.

(1)Japan Jail Association magazine published on January 20, 1910
Cover Photo Kim Wol-bae

I only said one word to my wife and child...Ahn Jung-geun's Prison Life in Surprise
(0)Prison Association Magazine Vol. 23, No. 1, Tong Kwon No. 254
p72-74 Article related to Ahn Jung-geun

(1)It’s there is.
(2)Ahn Jung-geun’s prison life in the Japanese Prison Association magazine, January 20, 1910, marked with a red box, is related to Ahn. Photo
Kim Won-bae

(3)As is known, Ahn was treated as a national criminal in prison. “The meal was changed to white rice, sufficient bedding was provided, tea and cigarettes were allowed, and free to exercise as well as communicate letters with his family in his hometown, so he was nominally a criminal defendant, but in reality, he was treated equally as a national criminal.” It is interpreted as evidence that Japanese prison officers also acknowledged Ahn’s
loyalty and patriotism.
The record is also consistent with the description of the history to which Ahn should respond. In his autobiography, Ahn thanked
Japanese prison guards and prosecutors for allowing him to bathe once a week,
come out of prison twice a morning and afternoon,
I ate three meals of white rice every morning, lunch, and dinner,
but Japan violated its promise to Ahn, who gave up the appeal, and executed him
a month.
There are several interesting points in this data. At that time, the documents for preparation for the trial were about 76cm, and Ahn’s family’s assets were about 30 bags a year. Also in 1909
March Ahn described that the left unknown finger, which he cut off in an alliance, remained until that fall. The fact that Ahn Jung-geun and Ahn Gong-geun’s two younger brothers visited prison and their reaction to meeting Ahn’s brother
are also specified.

(4)It also describes the feelings of Mrs. Jo Maria, her mother, when she heard of Ahn’s death,
Jo Maria said, “I thought she couldn’t die peacefully in the room because she was a little too bold since she was young.” The Japanese
prisoner wrote, “There are some
people who are admiring the mother and the son, although they are a little vague.”

I only said one word to my wife and child...Ahn Jung-geun's Prison Life in Surprise
(0)Kim Wol-bae, a photo of members of the Japan Prison Association taken on January 2, 1910

(1)Professor Kim Wol-bae said, “This data shows that there was
high interest in Ahn’s imprisonment in Japan at the time and that he was considerably concerned about Ahn’s treatment.” “The original version of Ahn Eung-chil’s History and Oriental Peace Theory has not yet been discovered, and
“The whereabouts of the pistol that killed Ito are also unknown,” he said. “When Ahn was handed over from Russia to the consulate general of Japan, there are 16 related items on the list, but we have yet to find records related to Ahn’s remains.”
Lee Joo-ha, head of the school arts department at the Memorial Hall, said, “Although Ahn’s prison life has been revealed a lot through Ahn’s autobiography and documents from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the prosecution, this data is significant in that it is the records of prison officers who watched Ahn closely.” An

I only said one word to my wife and child...Ahn Jung-geun's Prison Life in Surprise
(0)Ahn Jung-geun’s full text of news that attacked Ito
The prosecution office, which had been taking a cautious attitude, has now ended for about two months
The nine criminals under Ahn Jung-geun have been imprisoned
The condition is changed to white rice, enough bedding is provided, and tea and tobacco are not only the movement, but also the king of his hometown and letter are not considered criminal.He is a reporter for the Dongwon Ilbo, a Chinese character newspaper of the Russian East Railway Agency.
Ahn Jung-geun sometimes exchanged letters, but like talking loudly with his mouth, the tip of the brush is also full of ups and downs. There is a theory that there are many people who are not prosecuted, and Cho Ji-sun, who owns a different type of pistol, claimed that carrying a gun is a daily routine of Russian residents for self-defense.
From the preliminary hearing to the revision, it took about two weeks, including the winter vacation, but the height of the documents piled up was about 76cm, so the trial
the original text showed the same pronunciation, so it would not have been easy for lawyers to copy and translate it. The court has already set up a small facility to borrow it from the High Court, so it can accommodate about 300 people if it is a little too much.

(1)Ahn Jung-geun’s determination was extremely stubborn, so he managed to keep his life until Yeosu-soon, and he didn’t even look at his wife’s black and white picture. He slowly said, “Yes, he must be my wife.” When he met his two big brothers and heard his mother’s resolution, he seemed to be emotional for a while, but he didn’t swallow his emotions and say a word weak

(2)Their wealth was about 30 bags of rice a year and was a mobster if they had to look for a job other than being a member of the Northwest Society with their late father. The fingerprint, which has been missing since last fall, has been safe by then. The theory that the base of the alliance is Vladivostok seems to hit the nail on the head.
The current family, including the deceased father, are Catholics and the two younger brothers who are visiting this time are also devout believers. The missionary, a priest whose mother said will come to prison, will be allowed if it is purely religious.
The visit of the two younger brothers will be allowed for a second time tomorrow, but they moved to the accommodation after today.

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