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It’s like a school lunch at a detention center.


It's like a school lunch at a detention center.

The official’s actual detention room
Lunch in the cage prohibited from entering

(1)Whatureboy 13713222
About 17 years ago, I was in prison unintentionally. I worked as a guard, and I was surprised that all the thieves were doing well.
I remember buying ice cream in summer, buying dried squid in winter, applying margarine to the briquette stove, and eating it better than Gyeongjeon, who lives in the military over the wall. If you want to drink cola, cider, whatever you want, you can buy everything if there’s a detention fund. There were a lot of foods that we could buy than the relatively Kyunggyo University.
(2)Surviving murder, murder, robbery, rape, sexual assault, and so on. Even if I go to prison, I’m fine

(3)Now that I’m watching the YouTube video, the environment is better. There’s a wall-mounted TV, the bathroom is cleaner, and human rights are important, but I don’t think this is right.


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