A man in his 40s asked me if I’ve seen him somewhere.

A man in his 40s asked me if I've seen him somewhere.

(0)Wow, I’ve seen an old man in his 40s somewhere while playing kagong.

(1)He kept walking around nearby and saying, “I saw him somewhere. I saw him somewhere.” So I was a little scared.
(2)I was a taekwondo master who taught me when I was in the first grade lol. I’m 2n
years old now, how did you recognize me?(Laughs)

(3)You were thinking about it for a long time, but did you go to OOO Taekwondo? So I said, “Oh, yes!” And I said, “What’s your name? Aren’t you the one who jumped over the belt?” So I skipped from the yellow belt to the green belt right away. So I said, “Oh, yes!” When I said my name,
ooo, I said,
Oh, that’s right. I was more tomboy than the boys at the time, so he said,
I remember, and he bought me a piece of cake.

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