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Blaine Curses Government Over Dunchon Construction Shaking. Shaking.


Blaine Curses Government Over Dunchon Construction Shaking. Shaking.

(0)It’s a crazy government. It’s really crazy.
Dunju Due to the restriction on resale of intermediate payment loans and the obligation to live in the real estate,
everyone who didn’t even try made a fool of it

(1)For some, the Government have deprived them of the opportunity to win a dungeon subscription, even though it could have been an opportunity to establish a home in life.

(2)Dunchon Jugong subscription should be fully re-enacted.
This is a foul
It’s like cheating against the people
It would have been a good thing that I didn’t subscribe when the article about the unsold Dunchon Jugong was published.

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